Life with Thee

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Life with Thee


My Lord God Almighty 
I bow down before You humbly
To worship and honor Your Sovereignty
Bringing all praise and thanks to Thee 

For all that You 
Have given me 
And everything that You 
Have planned for me 

You are my light to see
And Your Word has set me free
You are constantly with me 
Always loving and caring for me 

How can there be 
Any reason for me 
To be unhappy 
Living in Your Grace and Mercy 

Every Word You say to me 
Lifts the spirit within me
You are so precious to me 
I cannot live without Thee

Response :

VT: 🖐🖐👍👍👍

S: 🙏😇 Hallelujah

A: Amen n Amen 🙏

[6/16, 13:09] LC: You and your uplifting words are very much now part of my daily devotions / walk . Many thanks, PTL and GB

[6/16, 13:10] Marilyn: Thanks be to God. All Glory to God. ✝

[6/16, 13:29] LC: Amen

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