2 Poems for the New HOs

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2 Poems for the New HOs


I was invited to deliver a lecture on behalf of the MOH last week on 17/5/2017 to 107 newly appointed HOs throughout the country.

I had written a poem entitled Move On Forwards on 15/5/2017, which I presented to them at the end of my lecture. I wanted to share this poem with them because there was an HO who resigned after 2 days of reporting for duty.

This poem was to encourage them to anchor themselves onto God, who is greater and stronger than them, relating to my own life testimony with God and His Word written in the Bible.

I asked the crowd to find out if there were any Christians in the group who would be interested to join HCF. There were 2 believers in the crowd and have added both of them to HCFAM after the lecture.

This is the poem:

Poem: Move on Forwards
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu


Keep marching on
Move on forwards
Set your eyes on
The Lord God

No matter what
The circumstances
Remember that
You are not alone

God is watching over you
So keep climbing up
When life gets you down
Just look up

Pick yourself up
And move on
Do not give up
Just continue on

Have a vertical vision
Not a horizontal one
Complete your mission
For there is only one

Fulfill your destiny
Do not fall back
Trust in the Lord God Almighty
And look ahead

Trust in God
For He loves you
True to His Word
He will get you through

Today, 24/5/2017, I was invited to speak to 42 newly appointed HOs to H* at the orientation. All 42 of them were in the audience for the lecture on 17/5/2017. Before my lecture, I showed them the poem again, and I explained to them the reason why I wrote this poem for them. I did not want any of them to quit when the going gets tough.

At the end of the lecture, I asked them if they would like to hear the sequel poem to the first poem, to which all of them answered in unison with a loud, Yes!

So, I showed them the second poem and recited it to them. The sequel poem is entitled Vertical Vision, to explain further the part in the first poem on vertical and horizontal vision.

This is the second poem:

Poem: Vertical Vision
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu


More often than not
Most are looking horizontally
Many are not
Looking vertically

Looking horizontally
At the circumstances
Is not really
Going to get you anywhere

We need to
Look up vertically
And turn to
The Lord God Almighty

For He knows it all
And He has it all
In Him, you will never fall
As He lacks nothing at all

I have also sent via email the poem Move on Forwards to the HO who had resigned several months ago. (M)

This is the response upon receiving the poem Move on Forwards which was sent on 18/5/2017: Aaaww thank you.. this poem is perfect for when i'm down.. thank you.. do have a good day

Hallelujah! All Glory to God!

Response :

[5/24, 12:06] ‪YM‬: Praise and thank the Lord for Dr Merilyn.🙏💪💐

[5/24, 12:14] ‪DC : Hallelujah!To God be the Glory.Dr.Marilyn.V. inspiring indeed.🙏😇

[5/24, 12:36] ‪JA: 👍🏻👍🏻

[5/24, 14:24] CLC: PTL!

[5/24, 13:42] AY: Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

[5/24, 13:49] G: 👍🏼
[5/24, 14:13] AL: 👍

[5/24, 13:54] ‪DT‬: 👍🏼
[5/24, 13:54] ‪DT‬: Compile and come out with a book. Can sign a personal copy for me.
[5/24, 15:33] Marilyn: Praise the Lord! All Glory to God!
[5/24, 15:33] Marilyn: Sure. Pray for God to provide a publisher. 😄

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