Chapter 3

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Bella was currently leaning up against Edward in the sofa at the livingroom.
Alice, Jasper, Rosaline and Emmet were eather doing "easy" homework that the school forced on them or just chilling out.

The book Bella had to read was about the american cevil war. She was almost tempted to ask Jasper to help her understand it better since her Dyslexia was starting to murder her eyes. She had also forgotten to take her ADHD medicine so it would soon resurface.

The words on the page were dancing salsa, very prosistent to change place exactly at the moment Bella managed to read the word right.

"Bella, why are you glaring at the poor book? What crime did it do?" joked Alice from her posisjon on the couch opposite side of the coffetable.
"it was published. Thats the horrible crime. And it makes history sound boring. " and Dyslexia and ADHD does not make this reading easier.

Jasper snorted from his seat next to Alice. "What is it about? Mabye we old vampires could help the poor little human?"
"Oh my the old dangerous vampire offers help to the poor innocent girl from the torture called homework? I will have to make an offering to whoever is up there!"

Jasper looked at the page I was on The american cevil war- two sides.
"I can help with that. But why is this hard?" why did he have to ask? They will find out anyway so why not tell them now?
"I have Dyslexia so reading is plain torture. I have tried to ask the teacher to not do the reading homework and do something else but they just ignore me and call me lazy."

Now Bella had the whole households attencion. They all looked shocked, angry and bewildered at what she had said. Edward spoke up," What about when we have spelling tests? Do they force you to do that? "
When the only human there nodded everyone looked pissed off.

Bella felt the tension rise so she broke it with a simple, "sooo, can you please help me?"

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