You Are WHAT

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"How do I tell him..." Was all that rung through my head.

I skipped back and forth trying to calm my breathing.

"Hello.... anyone home?" I heard his voice call out. His tone was curious.

"I-i am.." my breath hitched as I wondered out to the living room area.

His steps closed in. My head was down, I was ashamed I haven't been very cautious.

"You seem scared...what happened?" He put a hand on your shoulder, and pulled you into a hug.

The feeling of comfort is what made you smile.
Soon enough tears started to form an you where crying into his chest.

All he did was left you up and carry you to the room.
"Mia... what happened...tell me everything.." he spoke. Obviously concerned in this situation.

You wiped your tears once more, and your breath hitched.

"T-thing is..." You started off. Still having trouble.

"W-when..when we did it... We weren't careful.." and with that said. He knew what had happened.

"...." He sat there silently. Trying to process what you said was right.

"Wait....i-im going to be a father..?" He sounded almost excited to hear that.

You looked up, eyebrows furrowed.
"Y-ya...I'm so sorry...I'm sorry really.." just as you thought you where done crying, more tears flowed out like a waterfall.

"What are we going to do!" He then yelled.
Putting his hands to his head like he just heard a high pitched scream.

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