My heels click on the marble floor and my assistant Dean greeting me with a cup of coffee. Entering the building felt like a new obstacle I need to conquer. 

"Ms Collins it's a pleasure to meet you" A young girl in a neat suit and tight bun approach me obviously ordered to greet me the moment I entered. "We've heard a lot of great things about you, it's a privilege to finally put a name to the face." 

Collins is my father name that he hid from me, he took every precaution trying to erase his family history so I won't find out until the right time. If I googled that now, it would have stated Collins family built an 5 star luxury resort out of nothing and is a visionary entrepreneur that own 5 resort villa around the world. 

It's my time to make a name out of my family. I'm not only going to build more resorts around the world, I'm going to take run down hotels just like Jessica's family business. 

Her father's side business, he is more of a politics man but on the other side of his family  they own hotels. Trying to prove to her father that she can handle and manage a business so she doesn't get sent to Washington to learn about the family business. It's going down hill and they are losing money and nothing irritates her father more than losing money.

She had to think fast about what to do so she needs to find and co owner to get shares from the company. She's been speaking to my assistant Dean only referring me as Ms Collins so she will not suspect that she just gave 80% of her company to me. Which makes me her boss. 

"Where is Ms Stamford?" I address the assistant kindly. 

"She will be here in a couple minutes I assure you" 

"She's not here?" I raised my eyebrows. 


She looks flustered like she's about to pass out trying to give me the right answer as if I will snap at her. I smiled at her catching her off guard. 

"What is your name?"

"Oh! It's Alison ma'm" She bows her head like I'm royalty making cringe slightly. 

"Alison tell Ms Stamford, I do not appreciate her tardiness and every second count in this meeting." I spoke with authority making her shake her head rapidly. 

"Yes will do. we are in the conference room and I will speak to Ms Stamford right away informing her of your message" She nodded quit overwhelmed leaving me to stand with Dean appreciating the view of the city from here. 

I place my hand on the dark polished oak table, chairs lined up perfectly as I sit at the head of the chair taking in the empty seats infront of me. Marketing team, administrator management, Executives and interior designers all meeting here to discuss the new image of this hotel. 

Soon they all came in greeting each other in welcome, talking about casual things and business and that they are glad to have me on board. My eyes scan two empty seats as I stared at my watch.

"Who else is missing?" I spoke to Dean.

Quickly he flip through a page and answered, "Ms Stamford and Mr Alveraz" 

My eyes widen recognizing Skyler's name. I look over at Dean frowning deeply, he gave me the names of employees here and I did not see his that's for sure.

"Mr Alveraz? You never told me he is in this team" I clenched my fist around the arm chair. 

"He I believe just recently took over from Ms Stamford, I think they are together-

"I would like to be inform about all staff before hand" I cut him off.

"Yes of course, my mistake won't happen again Ms Collins" He apologies quickly. 

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