Chapter 17// Another Dream

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A lot of blood so if you get easily disgusted or something that involves blood don't read the italics. Although it's most of this chapter. But you honestly don't need to read it if you don't want to.

I promise you will cry if you play Lying is the Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes off. I definitely did.

Falling again. I land again. But it's different. The smell. The scene. It smells like blood. The metal taste. It reminds me when my dad took out my tooth. It came out with the slam of a door. Blood on the floor. Lots of it. Making a trail down to a hospital bed. There was 3 in total. I took off the blanket full of blood from one of them. It was Lisa dead. Laying there before my eyes. She was so innocent. A tear fell from my eye as I went to the other one.

The other one was Melanie. She was wearing all black, black shirt, and a black crop top that said dead. Blurryface popped up in my mind. He told me many stuff as I went to the floor pleading for him to leave. The blood stained through my shirt and my hair as I touched it, trying to get him out.

"They didn't love you, then don't need you, their dead. Maybe you should do the same" he said as he left. Melanie was now holding a knife on her chest. I stood back up and saw her scars. They slit her throat many times and cut open her stomach. Her legs were full of bruises of many colors and sizes. I cried at the sight in front of me. I planted a soft kiss on her cheek as I went to the 3rd corpse.

I took the blanket from the corpses face and it was Halsey. I went down to my knees as I hanged onto her hand. I sobbed onto the bed while rubbing her hand. "No, No, Not you, no, it can't be" I said as I stared at the blood on the ground. I didn't even mind the scent anymore, my friends were dead in the bed in front of me.

"WHO DID THIS" I screamed, ready to snap someone's neck.

"Well you did, don't you see" he said. He pointed the knife at me and smiled.

"YOU DID THIS HUH" I said as i spun the knife around now facing him.

"Wait, wait, if you kill me you kill yourself. Im you. You did this" he said, still smiling.

" You little bitch" I said as I went to Halsey. I turned around to see him again but he wasn't there. I stood there confused. But once I took a step forward flashbacks came back.

It was Halsey. I was around 10 years old and she was my babysitter. She was only 6 years older than me but my mom trusted her.

"Do you want pizza?" The teenager asked. I nodded at her and was scared of what she might think of my voice. This was my first babysitter, I didn't wanna ruin it.

While I was watching Spongebob she said something. At first I thought she was saying something bad about me, that I was crazy or psycho. But I heard her closely and she was singing. She said "I hear a voice inside my head, it said follow me instead" she said.

From that moment I immediately thought of a song. I loved writing songs when I was little but later my dad told me about business. I named the song March To Sea and showed it to her. Later I started showing many of my songs to her. But then when I was almost 18 she moved to Las Vegas to get a different job. That was the day my dad told me about business and that's the day I figured out my whole life.

I then went back to reality and heard cries. It was a babies cry echoing everywhere. I walked towards the sound and saw a light. It was flashing towards somebody and I saw Jenna, covered with blood, holding a child. I went to go grab it but my wrists wer then tied together.

"What the hell you disappear when I need you but when your the least resourceful you come what the fuck" I said.

"It's not your child Tyler" he says.

"How do you know" I say and stare into his red eyes.

"I know a lot of stuff. I know everything about you and everything about everyone. I know that's definitely not your child. Don't you know that lying peace of shit. You should know better" he said.

I shook my head and thought maybe he is right. Maybe that's not my child.

Everything then went swirling, the babies cries stopping, the blood on the floor and on my shirt gone as I went back to reality.

"I-I-I-I-I've got a migraine" I said as I woke up from a hotel room. It was empty, with only one pair of clothes on the bed. It was a black long sleeve with some white jeans and some black and white vans. I put all of those on and halfway through I noticed something.

"LISA, LISA, LISA WHERE ARE YOU" I said walking around the whole hotel room and ending in the same one I was first in. I looked at the drawer and saw the note.

"I took your little friend for a drive. Hope you don't mind. And I case you didn't hear, here it is" the post it said as there was an envelope right next to it. It said exactly what he said yesterday. I looked for my wallet but didn't succeed as I read the back of the post it note.

"I also needed some cash. I left your credit card in the living room"

Great. Ryan stole my $1000.

I put the envelope inside of my wallet which said "Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know"



lol anyways I wrote this with a baby sleeping in my arms hah.

Also my sister now apparently loves Fairly Local because she put my CD in her laptop. Lol kill me.

Anyways I love you, like always, and I start school tomorrow kill me.

Vote more. Comment more, I absolutely love what y'all are commenting I laugh so much. And share because I'm a whore for reads.

I haven't wrote over 1000 words in a long time wtf.

From your author, Dalia Reyes

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