Chapter 4// Gummy Sharks (Part 1)

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I dedicate this chapter to twentyonecolours because she introduced me to gummy sharks. And shes my best friend. Fite me.

Ugghhh. It was irritating to be silent. He had a tear trickling down his cheek and we arrived. I wanted to make a move but it was hard. He was just so adorable I didn't want to crush him.

I turned off the car and he immediately walked towards his house. I went out also and followed behind him.

"Josh I'm sorry I didn't know that was gonna happen... I don't even know how they found me" I said trying to reason with him.

"Look, you can come to my house tomorrow because I want to get to know you. I can get Taco Bell for you if you want" I said and he turned around quickly and looked at me shocked.

"Umm... I don't know... I have stuff to do..." he said. "Please! I really wanna make it up to you..." i said still pleading. He bit his lip acknowledging my offer and nodded.

I got a sharpie out of my pocket and wrote on his hand. I wrote down my phone number while he was still biting his lip. Once i was done I smiled at him and went to the car. Yes, if he comes to my house i can make it up to him by ways he cant imagine. I chuckled at my joke and waved at Josh before leaving.

"So... you and Josh..." a voice said frightening me. "Brendon we're almost home" i said replying to him.

 "Dont use him please. Hes to smol. Please i know i dont ask you for anything. Just do this one for me"

"What are you talking about Beebo?"

"I know what your going to do to him. Please, just not this one"

"Im not going to do anything with him im just inviting him to Taco Bell because there was some complications when we went. The press came and Josh got anxiety. I just wanna make it up to him"

"Okay cool... I mean if you really wanna fuck someone just fuck me" he laughed and snorted once.

"Hah, your funny Brendon that was only once and i was drunk"

"But i knew you liked it..."

"Shut up Bren"

We arrived at Brendons house and we both walked out. I waved him good bye and went to my mansion.I then heard a ring from my phone.

Unknown Number: Hey Tyler, its Josh just wanted to check if this is the right number

I parked in front of mansion and went to the living room. 

Tyler: Oh hey Josh and yeah its me.

Tyler: You didnt trust me on giving you my phone number. Im not that mean.

Josh: No I was just checking. Goodnight Tyler.

I could practically see him blushing and biting his lip through the phone. I eventually went to my room as i saw that text and went to sleep. I need lots of energy for tomorrow. 


Since we went home at about 3 in the morning i woke up like at 12. I saw two messgaes from Josh and like a million from Brendon. I checked Josh's first.

Josh: Hey Tyler are you awake?

Josh: Umm Tyler, what time do you want me to come?

Tyler: Doesn't really matter because i don't have work today.

Tyler: You can come like at 6 though if you want.

Josh: Yeah, sure okay

Okay 6 hours to kill. I saw Brendon's messages and pretty much all of it said to not do anything to Josh. I ignored most of it and went to go eat breakfast. I ate and omelet and orange juice and looked at the newspaper.

I decided to take a bath and that took nearly an hour. Once I was done getting dressed I took a nap.

I had a weird dream. It was Josh and I was actually falling for him. His ruffly pink hair. His sleeve tattoo. His crooked smile. I woke up frightened and looked at the time. It was 4:00 well I did not take a nap, I slept.

I told my maid that Josh was coming and at 5:30 to order Taco Bell. She agreed and I went to my king sized bed and watched Netflix. I continued the episode in Greys Anatomy and thought, what if I do fall for Josh?

(Greys Anatomy is ma shizzz)

I spent the next 1 and a half hours watching Greys Anatomy and started getting ready at 5:30. I sent him my address and went inside my walk in closet. I decided to use a suit, typical kinky stuff, and finally looked at myself in the mirror.

Was I tying to impress Josh? Was I missing Josh? Am I falling for him? No I will not fall for him. Josh won't be here forever I just-

Then the doorbell rang. I went to go grab the door but it was only Taco Bell employee. I took the bag and behind him was a cotton candy haired boy.

"Hello Joshua" I said as I escorted him towards my mansion. He looked highly interested in my house and he looked lost at the same time." Over here is the dinning room" i told him shutting the door and pointing toward the kitchen. We turned a left at the kitchen and saw the dinning room table. I set down the Taco Bell and we immediately got our food and started talking.

I decided to split this in two parts cause im already at 900 words and theres alot more to go. Umma post them at the same time though so go read the next one :))))

From your author, Dalia Reyes

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