Chapter 6// It Should've Been Me

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Probably my favorite picture of Beebo :)

I havent posted in a long time :(

Drama ;)

Beebo Urine: Tylerrr

Beebo Urine: Tyy

Beebo Urine: WAKE UP



Beebo Urine: Why is Josh's car still here

Beebo Urine: If you had sex with him your in big trouble mister!


Brendons Perspective

Why the hell is Joshs car still here? I asked myself looking at Tys house. After a couple of minutes i got out of my car and went towards the front door. It was open like always and i stepped in.

"Tyler! You havent been answering my text messages?" i yelled but nobody answered. He was nowhere to be seen downstairs so i went upstairs. There was a creak of his door that was open so i went towards the door. 

Please Tyler, tell me you didnt do it. 

I opened up the door and saw Tyler and Josh on the bed together, their bodies exposed.

A tear fell from my cheek, as salty as ever and saw the scene in front of me. The reason I didnt want Tyler to get him wasted was because i loved him. Josh was there on the bed cuddling next to Tyler, hickeys on his neck. That shoulve been me.

I walked away swiftly leaving the door wide open. I want them to know I was here. I got a receipt from my pocket and left a note. I left crying and don't regret anything I said in the note.

Tyler's Perspective

I woke up grunting. I was still a bit tired as I got up. I looked at the bed and Josh there. He slept peacefully, reminded me of a cat. Right when I was finished putting my clothes on he woke up.

"Oh shiz what time is it? " he said looking for his phone. He looked at it and it read 12:21 pm.

I winced when he stood up. 

"Your ass is going to be sore Josh. Umma go get some breakfast. You can hang out here for the rest of the day if you want another round" I winked and continued "I'll have to go to work so I'll tell my maid Wendy to bring you food and stuff". He shook his head and winced a bit more.

"I need to go. What will your maid say? " he said.

"Wendy doesn't mind"

"I need to go". He tried standing up and shook his head. "I'll leave when I want too" and went back to bed. I blowed him a kiss and he rolled his eyes and I left towards the kitchen.

I told Wendy to assist the pink haired boy in my bedroom and told me that a guest left me a note. I took it from her and saw a familiar handwriting.

Why did you do it? I specifically told you not to Joseph. I love him. And now I'll get him. 

I looked at Wendy with shocked eyes and went to Brendons house.

Short chapter ik :(

From your author, Dalia Reyes

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