Chapter 7// Frenemies

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Did this just become a Joshler vs Brosh? Anyways meme on top :)))

(hah puns)

Tyler's Perspective 

I slammed the door as I arrived at Brendon's house. I walked to his house and I have never been so angry in my life. I wasn't even that mad when I found out that Jenna cheated on me. She was a whore anyways. And it was a bad idea to where a suit right now.

I opened the door and slammed. Wow I have a thing for slamming doors now. I found Brendon in his bar chugging liquor.

"You stupid son of a bitch came?" Brendon asked. "You don't have to have sex with him anymore you already used him enough" he continued staring at the bottle. 

"Brendon I kind of fell for him" I said, the words slipping out of my mouth. Did I really just say that? Brendon actually stared at me this time eyes, full of anger. 

"You what? That's what you said about Jenna and in the last weeks of your marriage you said you were tired of her. I don't want the same thing for Josh, he deserves better than a fuckboy. I shouldn't have even introduced you guys to each other I actually thought for once that you learned your lesson". 

"So your gonna cheat on Sarah? Who's the fuckboy now?" I said still angry.

"Oh shit, oh who cares I guess I'll pull of a Tyler Jospeh" he said rolling his eyes at my name.

With that I got mad and lunged at him from across the room. We both fell onto the rack of wine and the bottle that he was chugging splattered on the floor, glass shattering  everywhere. 

"Josh loves me he called me Daddy just accept that will you?" I said, pining him down so that he won't move. Eventually he gave up and groaned. 

"Look, how bout if he picks" Brendon said in a mishevious tone. "We go on a couple of dates with him see how it goes but no sex" he continued same face, still mischievous. 

"Okay but no sex Bren" I said nodding. 

"But we'll still be friends though right. No matter who he picks?" I said with him still pinned down. 

"Eh, we'll see"

We shook hands and I went to work smirking. Brendon doesn't know what he's getting himself into. Once I arrived at work I saw a familiar car and she was inside crying.

Josh's Perspective 

Tyler left to work and I was on his bed. The Tyler Joseph. The Tyler Joseph had sex with me. I smiled at the thought and tried standing up again my I was sore. At least it was worth it. I was in love with him.

Short chapter sorry. I've been working on another book coming out. And I have many drafts.

From your author, Dalia Reyes

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