Chapter 27

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Baby Driver was awesome. Like...I want to jump in a red sports car and speed my way away from everyone.

Harry obviously felt the same way.

As soon as the movie was over, we burst out of the theatre laughing and talking about the movie.

"Baby..Oh, God, he is so hot. I love Ansel Elgort." I say as we get in the Jeep.

"Hell yeah. And did you know he can sing too? Oooh, that voice tickles me." Louis says, leaning back against his seat.

I laugh and buckle up as Harry get it quickly, starting the jeep and speeding out of the parking lot.

"Whoa! Slow your roll, mate!" Louis exclaims as he buckles up quickly.

Harry looks back at Louis in the mirror and grins slyly, his cheeks pink. "Sorry, I guess that movie just got to me." he says.

"Yeah, well, you're going to get us pulled over." Louis states, a pout on his lips.

I grin and look back at him. "I'm pretty sure the officer would let it slide when we tell him that we just saw Baby Driver. Heck, he'd probably ask us what our favorite part was."

Harry laughs and we continue to speed down the road.

We soon drop Louis off at his house and I get out, walking him to the door.

"Well..I'm glad that he's back." Louis says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I smile and nod, looking at him. "Yeah, me too. And thank you for staying with me, Lou. I really appreciate it."

Louis smiles and looks at me. "Of course. I'll always be there, Bird." he says as we step onto his porch by the door.

"Well, I'll let you go. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and Harry's coming with me. Maybe after we can all hang out or something?" I suggest.

Louis nods and kisses my forehead. "Sounds great. I'll text you later. Bye." he says.

I smile and him and walk away, giving him a small wave as I climb into the Jeep.

Harry looks at me and smiles as I buckle up. "Ready?"

I nod and we finally head home.

When we walk through the front door, my stomach begins aching and cramping.

I grip my stomach with my hand and let out a small groan as I toss my keys into the table.

Harry looks back at me and frowns. "What's wrong?" he asks.

I shake my head, looking up at him. "I don't know. It just hurts, so bad." I tell him.

Harry's brows furrow and he turns to face me.

He cups my cheeks in his hands and presses his lips to my forehead briefly before pulling back and taking my free hand.

"You're kind of warm. I'll get you some water and you go lay down, okay?"

I nod at his words and make my way upstairs and to my bedroom.

I took off my jeans and sweater before taking off my bra and grab one of Harry's shirts, slipping it on and climbing into bed.

The pain soon worsens and I cry out, curling into the fetal position on the bed.

I clutch my stomach and curl up, my eyes squeezed shut as Harry enters the room, talking on the phone.

"Yes, Dr. Redman. I'm sorry to call you at this time, but my fiancée, her stomach is hurting her...No, it just started...She's almost two months. It's normal?"

Harry sits next to me and rubs my back soothingly as he talks on the phone, biting his lip.

I look up at him and he smiles sadly down at me before looking away.

"Yes, she's here...I don't know if she has one. I'll see." he says as he looks down at me. "Do you have a heating pad or blanket?" he asks.

I nod and point to my closet and he gets p and grabs my green heating pad from the bottom of my closet before coming back and plugging it in by me and carefully lifting me up and placing the pad underneath my side.

"Okay, she has it now. Asprin? I'll get her some. Thank you, Doc." he says before hanging up.

I look up at him and raise a brow.

Harry looks down at me and kisses my forehead. "Dr. Redman says that it's normal for your stomach to hurt. He said it was just your stomach and uterus muscles expanding. Just to use a heating pad for the pain or uncomfortablness . I'll go get some asprin." he says, standing up again.

I shake my head and grab his hand.

"No...stay with me. Please?" I beg, my voice just below a whisper.

Harry gives me a tight lipped smile and nods, then comes over and carefully climbs into bed, wrapping his arms around me.

I pull him closer and rest my head on his chest, letting out a shaky breath.

"Does it still hurt?" Harry asks, running my back.

"Just a little bit. It's just a slight pinching feeling now." I tell him.

I feel Harry take a deep breath and I look up at him.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

Harry looks at me and smirks before looking away.

"I'm just thinking about the future. Us. Our things are goinnnf to be hard for us. With my tour and the band and you being pregnant. I just want everything to be perfect. And pie wedding...I don't even know how we're going to plan it if we're both busy all the time." he says.

I nod along to his words and look up at him, then move back a bit as an idea but me.

"Let's just elope." I say.

Harry raised a brow and sits up,  looking at me. "What?"

I look at him, taking his hand in mine. "Let's elope. We can get married tomorrow and have an actual wedding after the baby is born, whenever we have free time."

Harry smiles and looks down at me, biting his lip.  "You're sure?"

I nod and lean up, kissing him softly as I squeeze his hand.

"Let's get married."

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