Chapter 24

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We got to the beach at around 5.

Just a friendly reminder, don't drive downtown in the late afternoon because it's nothing but traffic.

We found a parking spot close by the beach and then got out.

Harry, thank God for him, remembered to bring towels and a blanket and we found a nice spot in the sand by the water where almost no one was around.

I helped lay the blanket down and Harry put the ice-chest down and we finally got to lay down and relax.

The sun was just coming to set and Harry wrapped his arms around me and we watch the waves.

"It's so pretty. I love sunsets." I say, smiling up at Harry as I lean against him.

Harry kisses my cheek and tightens his grip on me. "Birdie, can I ask you something?" he says.

I nod and turn, facing him. "What is it?" I ask.

Harry clears his throat and looks down at me. "Do you see us together in the future?" he asks.

I frown and scoot back a bit, my heart aching. "Do you not?"

Harry's eyes widen and he grabs my hands, pulling be back towards him, "I do..but I want to know more. Like, how do you see us?"

I look at him, then down as I think about what he's said.

"I-I think about us owning a nice house or condo together. Me getting a great job at some filming or photography agency and coming home the same time as you do, or coming home to see you cooking or something. I...I just see us together. No matter how far into it I look, it's us." I tell him.

Harry smiles and leans forward, kissing me deeply.

I smile against his lips and blush as Harry lays me back and moves over me.

"I love you, Birdie." he says, looking into my eyes.

I look up at him and wrap my arms around his shoulders. "And I love you."

Harry grins and pecks my lips, then stands up and stretches. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, okay? I'l lbe right back." he says.

I nod and open the ice-chest, grabbing a bottle of water and taking a sip from it as he walks away.

I take out my phone and take a picture of my legs and the ocean, the sunset beyond it.

Posting the picture on IG, I look up when I hear Harry's voice.

"It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you. Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice? Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you." he sings.

I stand up, turning around and covering my mouth at what I see.

Everyone at the beach was standing in a crowd, holding lit lanterns and moving to surround Harry and I as he walks towards me.

I see Louis and the boys, Alyssa and Dylan, Jana, Gemma and Harry's parents closest to us with big smiles on their faces and tears in a few eyes.

Looking at Harry, I smile wide and let out a slight chuckle.

He walks closer and takes my hand in his as he smiles, his eyes watering and his voice a bit shaky.

"Just say I doooooo,tell me right now baby,tell me right now baby, baby. Oh, it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you.Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice? Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you. " he sings.

I bite my lip as a tear spills from my eye and down my cheek as he kneels down in front of me, setting the microphone down and pulling out a black velvet box from his pocket.

He looks up at me and smiles, licking his lips nervously as he opens the box revealing a diamond ring probably more expensive than my life.

"Birdie Tomlinson...I have loved you for longer than we both knew. You were my friend, a stranger, and a lover. I want to be there with you, everyday for the rest of our lives, watching the sunsets over and over if that would make you happy. I want to be that one that makes you happy, because you make me happy. You make me so happy." he says.

He pauses a second to wipe his eyes and there are a few 'awws' and chuckles from the crowd and I kneel down, meeting his eyes as I cup his face in my hands.

"I love you so much, Birdie. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I would be honored to call you my wife. So...Will you marry me?" he asks.

I smile wide and nod, my eyes burning as the tears flow. "Yes. God, yes!" I exclaim.

Harry lets out the breath he'd been holding and hugs me tightly, kissing my cheeks as I sob in happiness.

The crowd cheers and let's go of their lanterns, the man made stars filling the sky.

I pull back from Harry and he slowly slides the ring onto my finger and I look into his eyes.

I see the love and the lust and the passion in his gaze and I lean forward, kissing him deeply as we stand up.

Our family and friends come running over, engulfing us in hugs and praise, bringing more tears to my eyes.

 "I'm so proud of you!" Louis says, hugging me tight as he kisses my cheeks and forehead. "I love you guys so much. I'm happy you two are gonna be together." he says.

"Thank you, Lou." I say, smiling at him.

"Birdie!" I hear and turn around just in time for Alyssa to tackle me in a bear hug and kiss all over me.

"I'm so happy! I'm kinda jealous. But I know you two are going to be amazing." she says, pulling back.

I just smile and nod, to happy for words.

About ten minutes later, everyone has died down with the congrats and the coming over and I finally make my way to Harry, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey.." I say, looking up at him.

"Hey." he says, looking down at me, smiling as he wraps his arms around me.

"I love you." I tell him.

Harry smiles and leans down, kissing me softly.

"And I love you."

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