Chapter 3

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We all jammed out on the way to the club and joked and laughed.

When we pulled up to the club and climbed out.

As I looked around, I noticed that the streets looked rather empty.

I could hear the bass from the club and looked at the boys who gestured for me to go inside.

As I opened the doors, the lights were out and then they suddenly turned on and a bunch of people, many of whom I knew and some who were strangers jumped out.

"Surprise!" they all shout.

I smile and cover my face. "Oh God. Louis! I knew you were planning something!" I exclaim, as he engulfs me in a hug.

"Of course I was! You're 21 now and a young woman. But you're still my little Birdie." he says, kissing my cheek.

"Now," he says, walking to the middle of the dance floor, taking a drink from a waiter and lifting it up. "Let's party!" he shouts.

Everyone erupts into cheer and the music begins playing and everyone starts dancing and drinking.

I walk to the bar and order a drink. "Whiskey, neat." I tell the bar tender.

He nods and I feel a hand on my shoulder. "And a round of shots, on me." Harry says.

I look at him and raise a brow. "Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Styles?" I ask teasingly.

Harry grins and looks at me. "Only is you want to." he says.

I laugh and nod, downing my drink when the bar tender slides it to me and then following Harry as he carries the tray of shots to the table where the rest of my boys were sitting.

"Whoa, whoa. Are those for me?" Liam asks, chuckling.

I shake my head and sit down next to him as everyone else sits as well. "For all of us. Mostly me." I say, elbowing him teasingly.

We all laugh and grab a shot.

I blush as Louis stands up and looks at us, smiling.

"I'd like to make a toast. To my sister." he says, looking at me.

"Birdie..You damn weirdo sister of mine. You've been there for me through everything. I'm so proud of you that you already own your own home and car. That you're so smart that you've already finished college. You're only 21. And I want the best for you. You deserve it all. I know that Mum would be so proud of you, Birdie. She loves you." he says, his voice cracking a bit and his eyes watering.

My own eyes were watering at the mention of our mother who had passed away and I stood up, smiling. "Lou..." I trailed off.

He shook his head and I looked over at Niall and Liam who were both smiling at Louis, then I looked over at Harry who was looking at me.

I looked back at Louis as he finished.

"Birdie...I just want you to know that we're all so proud of you. And that no matter what, we're here for you and we love you. To Birdie!" he shouts the last words.

"To Birdie!" the boys say, and to that, we all down our shots and I cringe at the burn in my throat.

"Shit, that burns." I say, swallowing hard and closing my eyes.

"You'll get used to it, Birdie." Niall says, patting my back.

I opened my eyes and nodded, taking a few more shots and laughing as Louis gives me crazy looks.

I stood up and took his hand, forcing him to stand. "Come dance with me, Lou!" I shout over the music.

He smiles and nods, then gestures for the boys to get up and dance as well.

Louis leads me to the dance floor and we start dancing to the beat of the music.

Soon, we're separated, Louis leaving me for some blonde girl in the corner and Niall and Liam dancing with other girls as well.

I turn around and bump into a hard chest.

I catch myself before I fall and look up. "Oh, Harry." I say, blinking to focus as his face blurs.

"I've noticed you're a bit drunk and lonely. Well, I am too." he says, grinning.

I smile and nod, then lean forward and rest my head on his chest, my body covered in a thin layer of sweat from dancing...and drinking.

I can hear the quick beating of his heart and I giggle.

"Harry?" I ask.

"Yes, Birdie?" he replies.

"Dance with me." I tell him, looking up into his light green eyes.

He smiles and takes my hand, spinning me around.

I laugh and sway to the song playing, watching as Harry's eyes move with my body.

Suddenly, the song changes to that of a slow, sensual song and Harry pulls me close.

Behind him, a waiter walks by with a tray of shots and I grab two over his shoulder, giving Harry one before swallowing the burning liquid and grinning at him.

Harry chuckles as he drinks his shot.

I turn around and move back against Harry, rolling my hips slowly against his as I lean back and wrap my arm around his shoulder.

Harry's hands grip my hips as he moves his body with mine.

I close my eyes and let the music and his hands on my body,

I feel Harry's lips on my neck and I gasp, quickly turning to face him.

Harry looks at me and bites his lip, then kisses me deeply, cupping my face in his hands.

I hesitate, my mind fuzzy as his lips caress mine.

This is wrong...or is it? I shouldn't..but it feels so good...

I close my eyes and kiss him back, pulling him against me.

Harry groans against my lips and pulls back, looking at me. "Birdie.." he whispers.

I swallow hard and look up at him. "Let's go back to my place." I say.

He nods and takes my hand, walking us towards the back exit.

I look around and notice that the rest of the boys are dancing and having a blast and I pull out my phone.

 I texted Louis, knowing that he'd be suspicious.  Harry is taking me home. I'm not feeling well. He said he'd either come back or go back to your place. Love ya, have fun. ~Bird

And with that, I put my phone back in my pocket and walk out with Harry.

It's dark outside. I look up and see the stars and the moon.

"It's so pretty out." I slur, looking over at Harry.

He nods, looking back at me. "It really is." he says, squeezing my hand.

I giggle and pull him to me, kissing him deeply as Harry hails a cab.

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