Chapter 16

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I was shaking. More than I had ever...shook in my entire life.

After telling Harry what the lady over the phone told me, he rushed to the hospital.

I called the rest of the boys and they told me that they were on their way as well.

We pulled into the parking lot of the hospital a few minutes ago and were now walking up to the receptionist's desk.

I leaned over the desk, looking at the blond woman typing at the computer and on the phone.

"Uh, hi. My name is Birdie Tomlinson, my brother was admitted here a few hours ago? He was in a car accident. I need to see him." I tell her.

The lady looks at me, then holds up a finger and continues to talk.

I scoff, looking at Harry who stands besides me, tense and rubbing my back, trying to sooth my nerves.

The woman starts laughing at whatever was said on the other end of the call and I reach forward, grabbing the phone from her hand and slamming it back into the receiver.

She looks at me, her eyes wide and her mouth open.

"My brother was in a fucking car accident. His name is Louis Tomlinson. Tell me what fucking room he's in. Now." I demand, my voice hardening with every word.

She scoffs and quickly types something into the computer, then looks up at her.

"He's in room 114 in the ICU. It's family only. So your boyfriend will just have to wait here." she says smirking, her eyes gliding over to Harry.

I grab Harry's hand. "Husband." I lie, marching us over to the hallway marked ICU.

As we walk, Harry squeezes my hand gently. "He's going to be fine. I promise." he says.

I shake my head, looking around for Louis's room number. "You don't know that." I tell him.

After that, Harry's quiet as we walk through the halls.

Finally, I see room 114 and a doctor that walks out of it.

I jog over to him and tap him on the shoulder, getting his attention.

"Hi," I say, smiling small as I put my shaking hands in my pockets. "I'm Birdie Tomlinson, Louis's sister. I saw you walking out of his room. Is h- is he okay?" I ask, my voice cracking.

The doctor turns to face me and smiles kindly at me. He had grey hair and rounded glasses and was holding a patients chart, Louis's probably.

"Yes, I'm Dr. Smith, his doctor. Your brother Louis was involved in a drunk driving accident, though he wasn't the one drunk.

He's suffered from minor cuts and bruising, a few broken ribs. One rib, however, punctured his lung. We have him set on a ventilator that's helping him breathe until his lung is properly healed." he informs me.

I cover my mouth hide the sob that wracks through me, my eyes welling with salty tears.

Harry comes up and wraps his arms around me and I hide my face in his chest as I cry.

"Will he be alright?" Harry asks, his own voice shaky.

"Mr. Tomlinson should make a healthy recovery." Dr. Smith says.

I pull back form Harry and look up at the doctor as I wipe my eyes. "Can we see him?" I ask quietly.

"He's unconscious at the moment. He should be awake sometime tonight or in the morning. You can stay the night as well, if you'd like." he tells us before patting me on the shoulder and walking away.

I look up at Harry, seeing his brows burrowed in worry as he nods at me.

"Let's go in." he says.

I nod slowly and take his hand in mine, using my other to open the door to Louis's room slowly.

Walking in, more tears form in my eyes as I see my brothers limp body in the small bed.

He had two tubes in his throat that were hooked up to the machines at the head of the bed and bandages around his chest and part of his stomach.

I squeeze Harry's hand as we walk further into the room.

Harry let's go of my hand to scoot the chair in the corner closer to the bed and helps me sit in it, though I didn't really need it.

I look Louis's hand in mine and covered it with my other, licking my lips.

"'s me, Birdie. I've missed you, brother. I thought something had happened to you, and now here you are. I don't know what happened, and I don't blame you." I tell him, even though he won't respond.

" have to wake up. You have to wake up for me, Louis. For dad, the boys. For Freddie," I say, a small tear running down my cheek.

I clear my throat and bring his hand to my lips, closing my eyes. "I'm so sorry I hurt you, that I lied to you. I'll never do it again, I swear it." I promise him, resting my head against hand gently.

Harry moves to the other side of the bed and touches Louis's shoulder, smiling small.

"Hey mate..I never thought I'd see you like this. To be honest, it scares me. When Birdie told me what hurt so much. I hate you being gone, Lou. I hate it. I ate the fact that you felt as if I betrayed you, that I did. That I hurt you." he says, looking down at Lou's almost lifeless face.

"But I love you, Louis. You're like a brother to me..and I need my brother. So please, wake up." Harry finishes, wiping his eyes.

I reach up and brush my thumb against Louis's bruised cheek softly, squeezing his hand some.

Suddenly the door to the hospital room flies open and Niall and Liam come in, looks of despair and worry clouding their faces.

"How bad is it?" Niall asks, looking at me.

I stand up and he comes over, engulfing me in a tight hug that causes me to break down once more.

He stays holding me until I kiss his cheek and pull back.

"The doctor says that one of his lungs was punctured by a broken rib. He said Louis was in a drunk driving accident but wasn't the one drinking." I tell the boys.

Liam comes over and gives me a hug before putting his hand on Lou's leg, looking down at him. "But he's okay? He'll just heal and be fine?" he asks.

I nod and sit back in my chair, Harry coming over to stand by me after giving the boys a hug as well.

"Where's Zayn? Did you call him?" Niall asks, looking at me and then around the room.

I nod and run a hand through my hair, grabbing Louis's hand once more.

"He said he'd 'see if he had the time.' and that he hoped Lou was okay." I tell him, resting my head against Harry.

Harry scoffs and shakes his head, squeezing my shoulder as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Well, that wanker better stay on his side of the street or I'll knock him out." Liam says.

I smirk and nod, then look at him. "Did you just quote MCR?"

Liam nods, grinning. "Bet your straight ass I did."

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