In reality, you really didn't want her to catch you with the Squip.

"Okay. See you later." She said with a happy smile.

You returned the smile, put your stuff in your room, and then went out the door.


A bead of sweat was trickling down your forehead, but you made it to the mall nonetheless.

Walking in, the sound of conversation buzzed around the place. It was pretty busy.

You spotted the store you heard about, and stepped inside.

You leaned over the counter a little, to keep the conversation quiet.

"I'm hear for the Squip." You whispered to the cashier.

He nodded.

"Oh, those shoes are in the back. Follow me." He said loudly.


You still followed.

He pulled a shoebox out, and grabbed a small pill.

Well it really wasn't small for a pill. It was kinda big.

"That'll be 500$." He said quietly, glancing around.

You handed him your savings from over the years.

And he gave you the pill.

"Take it with Mountain Dew. And don't ask why, because I don't know." He mumbled.

You nodded, and left.

And you walked out, a guy stumbled in.
Well, he didn't really stumble. He just walked with really bad posture?

Outside the store was another guy; red hoodie, glasses, and headphones around his neck.

He began walking off, towards the deeper parts of the mall.

You shrugged, and went the other way.

In a decision to look around the mall, you begin walking around.

Halfway through, you see a store labeled "Spencer's".


...Someone walks out.
It's the hoodie guy.

Hoodie Guy. New name.

But he looked ....kinda down.
Should you approach?

You growled quietly. This was a tough decision.

Maybe he goes to your new school?

Clenching the pill in your hand, you hesitantly walked up to Hoodie Guy.

You tapped his shoulder after catching up to him. He turned to you with a hopeful smile, but it soon faded when he saw you. He raised an eyebrow.

"U-Uh, I'm so sorry, to, well, bother... but, is something wrong...?" You breathed.

He put his jacket hood up. "Why would you think so?" He asked quietly, signs of happiness gone from his eyes.

||Priority|| (Michael Mell x Reader) [Be More Chill]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora