(44)Confessions of the Night sky

Start from the beginning

Look for the golden mirror...

It's a weapon, that I know.

I stood in front of the glass, but still no reflection. That must be a clue.

"You know." Her voice was soft and sad. I turned to find her messy hair floating over her face; "I'm sorry about your son."

"Zeus... Dead?"

I nodded. The closer I stepped, the more she looked like a mirage. "Thank you for showing me the watch, but now I need to know what the golden mirror is." 

She looked startled as I said the name. She took a step back. I tried again, but with a gentler voice; "I don't want your son's death, or yours or anyone else's to be in vain. I need to find these people."

She nodded, but her eyes were blank and her mouth parted. She turned her eyes to the sky.

The storms.

"You warned me Zeus was in danger, didn't you? But I didn't get it... I thought he was the murderer."

Hecate's eyes were sad, but I tried again; "The watch; Cronus is involved somehow, but why did the watch stop at midnight? Is there some clue behind that time?"

Hecate's expression was pained; it's as if she wanted to speak, but something held her back. She looked weak and drained. Was this other dimension she was locked in fading? Or was her anchor in me deteriorating slowly?

We had to hurry- perhaps there was a way to bring her and Zeus back to us.

"Midnight..." I mumbled the word and paced around her, but Hecate shook her head numbly; the movement straining her. I furrowed my brows; "Not midnight? Um... ah..."

I paced some more, my feet moving swiftly across the green grass.

"What about the number twelve then?"

Hecate's eyes suddenly widened and she nodded once. My heart sped up and I smiled with genuine relief- one step at a time.

"Okay, so twelve... Twelve." I continued to pace, my mind blowing steam, "There are twelve main gods in the Pantheon- is that the clue? Is the killer one of the twelve? We know Hermes is part of them, but could there be someone else among them?"

Hecate suddenly screamed and doubled over with agony as she clutched her head I her hands. The shock of the sudden action forcing me back, but I quickly recovered and shot forward to help her up. She whimpered and nodded once.

I knew I had to finish up; she count take much more of this.

I had another very important clue, but I pushed slightly for one more thing, knowing this could hurt her, but I couldn't stop my curiosity; "The mirror, where is it?"

She bit her lip and pointed to the mirror behind me; "With her..." and then she looked up to the heavens.

I followed her gaze, but all I saw was a dark blue night sky.

"Who? I don't understand. All I see are stars and-" My voice got caught in my throat.

There it was.

The clue. The clue that evaded me for so long.

My eyes slowly lowered to hers; "That's it, isn't it... You changed the dawn to a night sky. The sky was first light, and now- now its night."

I clearly understood who I had to go see.


The goddess of the night- and Thanatos and Hypnos' estranged mother...

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