(42)Hyacintho Daemonium

Start from the beginning

Its shrill cries for help filled the hollow hall and echoed out into the abandoned field. Hypnos furrowed his brows and tried to wipe the blood from his hand. I ran over to Pan's body, my stomach ill at the sight of his mutilated corpse.

Hypnos' voice broke the cries; "Enough, Thanatos."

But his brother didn't listen; instead we heard bones crack. I closed my eyes knowing I was the reason behind his anger.

"Enough!" Hypnos bellowed and I heard a neck snap.

The cries stayed with me even as its limp body hit the ground.

I watched as Thanatos' shoulders heaved. He was breathing hard, trying to control himself.

I didn't want to think about just how angry he was with me. Did he want to strangle me like that? Not so long ago, he would've.

Hypnos turned to me with concern; "Are you alright?"

I nodded, afraid of what my voice would do to the god trembling at the opposite end of the room.

Hypnos nodded as well, but it was a decisive nod; "Who was that?"

I looked down; "Pan."

Thanatos growled and for a moment I thought a tiger had been set loose in the great hall. He swung around, his blazing eyes on mine. I gulped and opened my mouth to explain, but he wouldn't allow it; "GET UP!"

I did as he ordered, my knees weak. I looked down as he stormed towards me and grabbed my arm. I winched as his grip cut into my bone.

"Thanatos, calm down, she's unhurt."Hypnos said slowly as he tried to ease his brother.

Thanatos turned his head slowly to glare at him, his red eyes like a dragon's; "Shut. Up."

Hypnos, like me, knew when it was better to keep quiet around Thanatos.

Thanatos ripped open a portal with his blood-covered scythe and I nodded my head to Pan's body, hoping Hypnos would understand what I'd meant. I hadn't known him for much longer than a few minutes, but I wanted to at least give him a proper burial; instead of letting his body rot here, like this school.

He deserved as much...

Hypnos understood as he knelt down next to the corpse, but I could see he was more worried for my sake as Thanatos shot us through the portal.

Hypnos understood as he knelt down next to the corpse, but I could see he was more worried for my sake as Thanatos shot us through the portal

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We landed with a thud. Thanatos didn't bother to help me land, instead, as soon as his feet touched the floor of my room, he let go.

I felt guilt override my senses. "Thana-"

"DON'T." His voice was strained, like he was trying hard not to lose control.

He had his back to me; his long, black cape looked extremely menacing against the white of my room. I gulped; for the first time in a very long time I was actually afraid of him.

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