What really happened?

Start bij het begin

She heard her name being yelled on another division and immediately knew that the royal family wanted some tea. So, she quickly put her shoes back on and went to get some. Her rest would have to be left for later.

She quietly walked to deliver the Queen and her Princesses the tea, listening to their conversation

“… we are not letting them taking our Palace!” Princess Janet spoke

“They left a ultimatum written, Janet” Queen Gloriana spoke “He’ll take the three of you and rule Wedgemore or we’ll all die. As well as all the survivors”

Diana’s eyes widened, but she remained silent, serving them tea

“I do not want to be his!” Princess Alice spoke “Can’t we seriously ask for help?!”

“Yes! We could ask for some help, mother!”

“Oh, my naive daughters…” The queen sighed “Indeed, we could, but any of the kingdoms would want you for exchange”

The Princesses stood silent for some moments “But… at least maybe there is someone with good principles and…” Princess Ryia spoke

“… and good looking” the other two princesses sighed

“And good looking” Princess Ryia repeated, smiling.

Diana rolled her eyes. Those women were not able to think about anything else. They’re always dreaming about the Perfect Prince of Knight in a white horse. God forgive them, they’ll find reality, someday, Diana thought.

Back in Stonegate, Jasmine, one of the royal family’s maids, was gathering some of the Prince clothes when she felt his presence near her.

“Oh, I finally see you” She knew he had that typical smirk on his face, even being with her back turned to him.

Her body was already shivering and he hadn’t even touched her yet. She hated him and herself for let him do whatever he wanted to her. She hated herself for not being able to resist him. She hated herself for falling in love with him.

She hated him for only look for her when he wanted something. She hated him for his rudeness and arrogance towards everyone, for his heartless attitude and behavior. She hated him for f*cking every single pretty woman he’d crossed paths with.

Yet, she loved him. And she loved the way he could make her body squirm in pure ecstasy, the way he could make her folds get soaked by simply get in her sight.

She felt his hands on her waist and his body tightly pressing against her backside “Missing me?” he arrogantly said, in a deep voice that gave shills all the way down her spine

“Y-Yes, my prince” She whispered, feeling his hardness pressed at the end of her back already

“Hmmm” he moaned, his hands traveling around her belly, making his way to the middle of her legs “Let’s see how much”

Her head instantly fell back into his strong shoulder, her butt turned up to press hard against his manhood. “Ohh” he deeply whispered “You want me, don’t you?”

At the island ruled by women, Diana was making her way to the kitchen. All she wanted was to finally get some hours of sleep. However, as she entered the kitchen to drop the teapots and teacups, she saw the figure of a tall man inside

“AHHH!” She jumped, scared

“Please, milady! Do not be scared!” he calmly said

“Who are you?!”

“I am a fisherman, from a humble family. I just have an important message to the Queen and I wouldn’t be able to get inside the Palace otherwise at this time of the night. The guards wouldn’t let me. Could you help me?”

Diana took her time calming down, before leading the man to the Queen

“What brings you here at this time of the night, fisherman?!” She coldly snapped

“There… t-there are ships approaching. A small boat reached the coast with a message. They’re from Skeldergate and want to meet you in the morning” The man said in a scared voice.

The Queen and all Princesses eyes widened. What could they possibly want?

The next morning, on Stonegate, Queen Beatrix got up earlier from her bed. She had made a decision. She just needed to talk to her son. She got dressed and walked to her son’s bedroom, seeing him in a deep sleep, completely naked, with his body spread all over his large bed.

She threw him a pillow. He stopped it with his hand before it could reach his body. She smiled, her son was the best soldier she’d ever seen. He would be able to feel something being thrown at him easily, his instincts more accurate than ever.

“Who dares…?” He raised his head to look at his mother “Mother? Throwing pillows at me now?” He said in a sleepy voice, letting his head fall down again

“Dress something, for god’s sake, Robert”

“I thought you thought I was handsome”

“I do. I do not want you to be around naked, though”

“I am on my bed, mother!”

“Alright, that’s enough of this. I want you to do something. I have thought seriously about this”


“I want you to go to Wedgemore”

Here's one more chapter!

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