Goodnight Kisses

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Bill's PoV

I smiled, as IceBag didn't even sense my presence, making it easier. I followed her to the Mystery Shack, where the magical barrier would not let me through. I just sighed, and tried to view from the windows that wasn't blocked. As I was walking around, I noticed a hole that was big enough to fit a kid through. Didn't Pinetree fell through here? Just so he would get a ball... I have to thank him later. I thought, smiling as I transformed. My little triangle self floated slowly onto the ground, almost jumping in joy as the basement wasn't protected.

I transformed back and climbed up the stairs slowly. Great, the vending machine is  locked. Can I try that little trick I learned from school? Worth a shot... Alohomora! I thought, summoning a wand I got from my times at... Hogwarts, I think. The machine let out a very slow click, and I knew it was unlocked. Thank Merlin, Malfoy! Great to have you as a friend, sometimes.  I smirked, remembering my old friend. Anyways, I sneaked behind one of the furniture in the Shack, smiling evilly. I heard the voices of most of the townspeople, with IceBag's being the clearest. "Wendy, what do we do? Bill is still in control. I don't want Weirdmageddon to continue! It's been a month and a half!" Said, who I think is, Bud Gleeful.

"Don't forget, Bud. You're the one who helped Bill escape." I think that was Mayor Tyler. I smiled, knowing that they are going to banish me away. I'd like to see you try. I teleported back to the Fearamid, smiling as Pinetree and Shooting Star hugged me. "Where were you? We were worried." Pinetree said, letting me go. "Just wanted a little stroll. Might have taken a little long." I said, patting both of their hairs lovingly. Pinetree and Shooting Star smiled at me before running off to play with the Gleeful Twins. (I just noticed. I made Dipper and Mabel a little childish.) I sat at my throne, smiling.

Dipper's PoV

I ran to my room, my journal in hand. Not Sixer's journal, my journal. As in, literally mine. It is black, with silver edges and a dark blue Pine tree in the middle. I have already written 1, so this is my second one. I grabbed a pen and stared our at the partying demons down at the deserted town. I started writing about most of the demons, like Pyronica, Pacifire, 8-Ball and other demons, except Bill, of course, he already has like five pages for himself in Sixer's journal. After I finished, I played with my little amulet and sighed, bored.

Tyrone's having a little 'quality' time with Will and the girls are playing in Mabel's room so I have no one to play with! I'll just go watch a movie then. I thought, walking to the movie room. I plopped into one of the bean bags and switched on a random movie. Turns out it was Frozen... Great, now I'm just listening to the 'Snowman' song again. Arghhh! I thought, changing into another movie. Rise Of The Guardians? Looks promising... But I think the main character is Elsa's boyfriend or something. Still watching it! I thought again, placing the DVD into the player.

Bill's PoV

Where's Pinetree? I thought he'd be in his room... I thought, closing the door to Pinetree's room. I heard a sound coming from the movie room, so I walked over there, bringing my curiosity along. Turns out, Pinetree was watching 'Rise Of The Guardians'. Apparently he fell asleep. I chuckled silently and lifted Pinetree carefully, turning the movie off. I brought Pinetree to his room, with said boy snuggled in my arms, a slight smile on his lips. I tucked (Holy mother of raisins. My autocorrect is scary. 'Tucked' is apparently 'Fucked'. Help.) Pinetree into his blankets, his smile still on his lips.

I placed a quick peck on his forehead and cheek before leaving the room, but not before I heard a little 'Goodnight, Bill,' from said boy. I smiled, before whispering back ''Night, Pinetree,' to him. I saw a small smile on his lips again and closed the door, smiling widely. I yawned, before going to Shooting Star's room and smiling again as I saw her asleep with Rev. Mabel by her side, also asleep. (Ok, the Reverse Twins acts like a sister  and a brother to the twins, do I make myself clear?) I pecked Shooting Star's forehead and Rev. Mabel's cheek and left the room, not before giving Waddles and soft pat on the head.

I went to Will's room, smirking as I saw Tyrone asleep on Will's chest, naked. Will was gently playing with his hair, a soft smile on his lips. "Hey, Will. Did you have fun?" I asked in a whisper. Will looked up at me and smile wider. "Of course I did. Master's nice. Well, enough about me, when are you going to confess to Pinetree?" He asked, making me sigh softly. "I have no idea." I simply said, running my fingers through my hair. Will smiled sympatically at me, but did not say a word. He knows I'm troubled. I stood up slowly, giving Will a peck on his forehead and Tyrone a peck on his cheek. "'Night, Will. See you tomorrow. If you could walk." I said, a playful little smirk on my lips as Will turned red.

"Goodnight to you too, Bill. And no, we did not have that one. I can still walk tomorrow." He replied, before I closed the door. I went to my room and took a quick bath, the warmth of the water soothe me. I changed into a red sweater with the words 'I like Deer Teeth!' on the front. I laid on my bed and sighed quietly, before I yawned again and sleep took over.


Well, sorry guys! I didn't mean to leave you all hanging. I was seriously busy with school, especially with an upcoming examination in a month! Yes, my teachers are freaking out. Anyways, hope you enjoy this part! Vote and Comment your opinion! Also share with your other friends!


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