The Pines V.S The Ciphers

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Dipper's PoV

I woke up as Mabel shook me from my sleep. "Bro! Are you okay? Father wants to meet us at the Throne Room!" She said, her pink shooting star sweater flashing brightly. "Okay. Meet you there." She teleported out the room and I changed into a dark blue sweater with a black pine tree on the front. Mabel made it, might as well wear it, right? I put on my black trousers and my pine tree cap, before running to the Throne Room, glaring at Sixer, who was still solid Gold.

"Kids! I called you both here to tell you, that with Pinetree's knowledge, we might be able to spread Weirdmageddon into a global madness!" He said, making Mabel and I smile. "Sure father. Shall I bring it down now?" I asked, eventhough I already know the answer. "Yes. The faster it's done the quicker we can finish this wasteland." He said, as I flew out of the Fearamid. I touched the barrier and it burned my hand a little, but of course, the pain is hilarious! I chanted the spell and it broke like it was glass, shattered into bits.

The other demons cheered and when outside town, spreading Weirdmageddon. I floated back down and was tackled by... Gideon?! Father! Help me! The Pines family are kidnaping me! I thought, before Gideon knocked me out.

Mabel's PoV

I was wondering and floating around the gloomy city before the barrier broke and I smirked. Good job, Dipper! I thought before flying to the Fearamid. I arrived just in time to see Gideon tackle Dipper. I fumed and saw him knocking him out with a bat. I lifted him and Dipper with my powers, making the other hidden Pines come out. "What do you guys think you're doing? Trying to use Dipper as bait so Father would give up?" I asked them, while floating Dipper back to my side.

"M-Mabel, it's n-not like w-what you're thinking... It's for your own good!" Fez said, before taking out a gigantic blaster. When will they learn? I thought lazily. Before Stan can shoot me, the blaster was hit by a ray of blue flames. I looked over at Dipper and smiled, as he already gained consciousness. "Really, Fez? You wanted to use my old creation on Mabel and I? How stupid do you think we are?!" He yelled, before lifting all of them and teleported inside. I followed him, but not before managing to spot Grenda and Candy running away.

I smirked, before I lifted them with my powers and float them near me. "Oh, you two are gonna love what father has for you guys!" I said, floating them along with me. "Mabel, please! This isn't you! Let us go!" Grenda said, tears falling. I still kept my straight face and proceed to the dungeon, where Dipper was already waiting. "Mabel, where have- oh. Nice work, sister." He said, smiling up at Grenda and Candy. I throw them into the dungeon where the others were in. "Just wait here, we're gonna call father for you all." We said, before teleporting to father's room.

"Yes, Pinetree? Shooting Star?" He asked, as he was wearing his golden suit. "We manage to catch The Pines Family. They're downstairs, in the dungeons." I said, smiling. "Well, well. If I'd known you two were this useful, I'd want my sanity earlier! So, I'm just gonna take care of something with them while you two, get some rest. Weirdmageddon 2.0 isn't going anywhere tomorrow." Father said, ruffling our hairs before teleporting away.

I went back to my room and flopped onto bed, face first. (Holy cow. My autocorrect is scary. If you type f, it'll show, find, fuck and face...) I sighed heavily before sleep took over me.

Dipper's PoV

I entered my room and sat at the end of the bed, reading Journal 2. I smiled as I already know about some of these, but it is interesting. Gnomes, The Undead, and other stuff I didn't or already know about. I was checking​ it out, before a portal appeared. "H-hey, D-Dipper. W-where's Bill?" Will asked, coming out of the portal. I smiled, before taking him to father. As we were descending down the stairs, Fez's voice rang out.

"Go fuck off! I have had enough Weirdness around me!" I look at Will with a frown before I took him to father. "Will! So good to see you! Wait, where's Burning Tree?" He asked, looking confused. "Oh, crabstick. I'll go check my room." I said, before teleporting to my room. Sure enough, Reverse Dipper was in my room, checking things out. "Oh, hey Dipper. Nice place you got here." He said, before sitting on my bed.

"Ty, Will and Bill are searching for you. Plus, Blueberry is crying." Right after I said those words, he teleported to Will's side, hugging him. How do I know this, father told me. And they made out in a corner of his room. I laid on my bed for the rest of the day, a little worn out. Mabel was busy helping the demons at some place in Asia, while Father is busy having an 'interview' with The Pines.

Meanwhile Will, Tyrone and Mabel Gleeful were in one of the guest rooms. They're here because the Gleefuls wanted to help us take over the world. Since they can't over there, they wanted to help us here. Since Father haven't seen Will in a long time, he just let them stay. Plus, having someone to talk to, that's other than Mabel and Father is kinda nice. Mabel Gleeful wanted to help, but since they just arrive, and she's sick, she can't go. But Mabel promised to let her join the next one.

I sighed heavily before sleep engulfed me. I fell into a dreamless slumber.


So, was that good? Tell me in the comments! And Mable6893, sorry for the late update. I was at my grandparents house for a few days, so the Internet sucked. But don't worry, I might have a new one soon, if school doesn't suck... Bye, doods!

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