Weirdmageddon 2.0

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(That's Sam Tsui... Go check him out! And have a cute Billdip comic along the way...)

Bill's PoV

"Okay. I guess we could try." I said, earning murmurs from the others. We finished the meeting and the others teleported​ out of the mansion. I sighed before teleported to my children's room. First was Shooting Star. I opened the door quietly and saw her sleep soundly on the bed, a smile plastered on her cute face. Waddles, her pig, became her hugging pillow for tonight. I smiled, before looking over at her knitting table.

On it, there was five colourful bags. I walked over and noticed the names. 'Dipper Gleeful', 'Mabel Gleeful', 'Pacifica Southwest', 'Gideon Pines' and 'Will Cipher'. I smiled, knowing that inside were homemade sweaters. I walked out of the room and headed off​ to Pinetree's room. I opened the door and saw Pinetree asleep on his worktable, soft snores fill the room. I chuckled slowly, before lifting him up with my powers, making sure he's still sleeping soundly. I laid him gently on the bed, smiling softly.

I stared at him, my smile still plastered on my face. What? No! It's not like 'I LOVE him' kind of stare. It more like 'He's my son' kind of stare. Though I have to admit, he is kind of cute. Wait what?! I'm in love with my son?! Well, he is 16, my human body is 20. I think I can keep feelings for him...right? Anyways, I head back out and went to my room, wanting to rest a bit. Yeah, demons don't need sleep, but I like to just do it. It gives you extra energy.

In the morning...

Dipper's PoV

I woke up groggily and noticed that I was on my bed. I swear I fell asleep on the worktable... I thought, rubbing my eyes. "Morning, Pinetree!" Said Father, his smile plastered on his face. "Morning, father. Where is Mabel?" I asked, fixing my hair a bit. "Making breakfast. Maybe with her special Mabel juice, I don't know." He said, fixing his bowtie. I nodded, heading for the bathroom. "Pinetree, after breakfast, we're having a family meeting." Father said, before leaving the room. I smiled, before entering my baby blue coloured bathroom.

After the pleasant bath...

I wore my blue homemade sweater and black trousers. I brushed my hair, showing a little bit of my Big Dipper birthmark. I walked out of my room, occasionally greeting the other demons. I reached the dining room. "Dipper! Come on! Eat your Mabelcakes!" She said, smiling while pouring me a cup of Mabel juice. It's a purple coloured drink with glitter and plastic dinosaur​s. Luckily, it edible glitter and the dinosaurs usually never make it through. And it's usually grape juice with glitter.

"Thanks, Mabel. Where's father?" I asked, noticing that he's not here. "He finished it already. You sure took some time, bro!" She said, pouring some more syrup onto her Mabelcakes. She then handed me the syrup bottle and I leisurely pour it onto my half of the Mabelcakes. We started eating and talked about minor things. After a few more bites, we both finished our meals and I washed the dishes while Mabel dries it. After we finish washing the dishes, we went to father's room, chatting with each other. We entered the room, smiling at Father.

"You two, sit here." He said, patting his bed. We both sat down, Mabel jumping slightly. She did drank two full cups of Mabel juice. "So, you two did ask me if we can start Weirdmageddon 2.0. together. Lucky us, yesterday's meeting with the other demon council said they agree to my permission. And yes, that means that Weirdmageddon 2.0. can and will start one day. Do you guys want to see Weirdmageddon 2.0?" He said, making Mabel and I smile gleefully. "Of course! I want to see Sixer suffer, that's all!" I said, my tone harsh and filled with hatred.

"Well, Pinetree, maybe we can! Right here and right now!" He said, making a small globe appear. The Rift... I thought, as father teleported us to Gravity Falls. "Citizens of Gravity Falls!" He started, making all eyes look at us. "Prepare for Weirdmageddon 2.0!" He continued, before smashing the Rift apart. A larger cross appear in the sky, much bigger than last time and a lot more demons fell from it.

The eyeballs started to turn the citizens into stone, and most tried to run, but my storm clouds manage to capture them all. Mabel helped the other demons with their work and Sixer appeared. "What?! Dipper?! What are you doing?! Release them this instant!" He said, before pulling out a gun from his bag. "Bug off Sixer! This is our time to rule with Father, and you can't​ stop us!" I said, annoyed. He tried shooting me but of course he can't, me being above ground. Sadly, being the son of a demon, Lady Luck isn't always by my side.

I didn't directly got shot, but it's enough to scrape me and leave invulnerable pain. I yelled in pain, getting father's and Mabel's attention. "Dipper!/Pinetree!" They yelled, Mabel rushing over while father is bloodshot red. "WhAt HaVe YoU dOnE?!" Father exclaimed, lifting Sixer with his powers. "You deserved it!" He said, gasping. "Oh YoU dEsErVeD tHiS!" Father said, before turning Sixer into Gold again. He gave it to one of the eyeballs, ordering it to return it to the Fearamid.

"Bro! Are you okay?!" Mabel said, checking the wound. I hissed as she kissed the wound, making it heal slowly. "Pinetree, I think you should rest at the Fearamid. It's dangerous. You can join us tomorrow!" Father said, smiling sadly.  "Okay, father." I teleported to the Fearamid, seeing Sixer on father's almost finished throne. Beside it was two smaller throne. I smiled tiredly, but not before glaring at Sixer. I walked over to my spare room and laid on my bed, my amulet shined brightly. Today was a great day... I thought, before falling asleep.


Hey! Yes! The next chapter is finished! Wonder what'll happen to Dipper? Well, wait for it! Mable6893, I'm going to. Trust me, I'll update as quickly as possible...

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