Chapter Thirteen

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“No, just this and that’s.” Replied Leo. He can felt his pale skin change to red. He so ashamed and his heart refuse to listen his mind.

“Did you sick? You look red and hot.” Asked Hakyeon confused.

“Not at all. Anyways where you headed? Maybe I could be a guide.” Ask Leo change the topic.

“Not, I’m not going anywhere actually. Just see around.” Replied Hakyeon created a little smile.

Both of them decide to go back to class after heard the bell already ring. But in class Hakyeon felt himself was watched by someone. He turn and his eyes met Leo’s who seem shocked and put his face on the table in hurry. Ken accidently saw Hakyeon look over his and Leo placed. Ken really don’t expect Hakyeon was looked over but he thinks Hakyeon looked over him because his hit Hakyeon before.

Why he looked over non stop? Did he in such of gang like us? It’s rare to student from prestigious school like Rovixxshool come to this school. But if Ravi right about this guy. A rich one, so he maybe can kick me out from this school easily. Oh god, what can I do now. The rich always brat and a jerk. That’s why I hate them so much. Rather than that I hate because born as them as well. Why I must be a only one son to the chairman of huge hospital anyways?

“Did Ken who looked over me or Leo? Argh, this really uncomfortable. What’s their deal actually? And also why I must cone to this school in many school at Seoul?” asked Hakyeon annoyed. He surely they looked over him since he just come today and sit alone.

Next day, Hakyeon tried to gather more friends so he come school early than usual. After her step over the school gate he saw the kids line up in front of gate. Using his eyes he can see anything even in 100 meter away. He saw and sure they give money before can go through the gate.

“Argh.. I need to sacrifice my money in this rate. Better do that because I’m not really in mood to fight against them all.” Tell Hakyeon to himself before go and wait for his turn. He prepared his money and his annoyed face can’t be hiding because he totally annoyed right now. He just closed his eyes to reassured himself before his wrist being wrap by someone hands.

“Hakyeon-ah, did you really line up too? How cute.” Tell that’s guy who wrapped his hand around Hakyeon wrist.

“Oh? Hongbin? Why you stand there? You not line up? Ah, maybe you don’t have money. It’s okay I will pay for you so just stand closed to me.” Tell Hakyeon in concern. He didn’t want to let his first friend because he already made up his mind before come this morning. His target was to find friends. That’s what human need anyways.

Hongbin looked desperate. He would like to tell Hakyeon he the one who collect his money with his another friends. But in the same time he won’t to let go Hakyeon hand what’s was hold his hand right now. He don’t want to let this moment go. He want to felt Hakyeon appearance right now. He can felt Hakyeon’s gaze to his eyes. The soft voice who concern towards him and his hand full with coldness. Hongbin look at Hakyeon expression before his vision turn to Hakyeon lips.

“It’s look soft and delicious.” Tell Hongbin to himself but not to loud.

“Huh? What you say? Soft and delucious? It is something for eat?” asked Hakyeon suddenly. Hongbin was taken aback and just nodded because his so stupid to thinks something like that.

“Yah, just don’t eat by yourself. Share some with me too. Okay.” Tell Hakyeon in sulk voice. Hongbin just smile looked at clueless Hakyeon.

“ Why you stand here Hongbin?” asked Ken confused. Hongbin must to collect money like them not to stand in line.

“Don’t bother about him. This your money. I pay for him as well.” Tell Hakyeon grab Hongbin hand and about to left before Leo grab Hakyeon hands.

“What you want Leo?” asked Hakyeon. He totally different when first time they meet. No more friendly Hakyeon to Leo.

“You might not know but, Hongbin is belong to our group.” Tell Leo in deep voice. Hakyeon totally shocked and he remember the bullies who hit Hongbin.

“I was about to tell you. I hope you don’t cut our friendship. I...” before Hongbin finished his sentence, Hakyeon cut off and tell him “ Don’t bother Hongbin. I’m not that childish. And of course we still friend since you my first friends I made.” Tell Hakyeon smiled to desperate Hongbin.

I don’t know why but now I’m regret to not hold you hand back when you offer to me back then. Just if I do, I might be the one who stand beside you not Hongbin.

Leo whisper in his mind before look away.

Guys this my update chapter. I not know but I think I should upload this before sit my muet test. Wish me luck guys. After I finished my speaking test I will upload new chapter then. Bye wattpad reader. Please support An unpredictable vamwolf.

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