Chapter Three

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"Mum? Are you wake up already?" Ask Hakyeon with wide smile.
"Yes my dear. Did you get enough sleep? I'm....." His mother stop talking while seeing around her. She can see a big leave on where she sleep. Also a little leave to cover his head. "Whats was that Hakyeon?" His mother asked suddenly.
"Ouh, I just thought you might get cold so I try my best to make a bed for you even it not same as your at our home. But at least you could sleep properly. Did you....right?" Tell Hakyeon before asking back in a curious voice.
"Of course I did. Then where my Hakyeon sleep?" His mother asked while seeing around try to find where her son sleep.
"I sleep up there." Tell Hakyeon while his finger point at the big tree.
"Oh my.. how can you? Did you get a nice sleep for real? Have you been hurt?" Asked his mother panic.
"Mum, I'm alright. Me too not a natural human being so it's alright." Tell Hakyeon while smile widely.

"Have a nice talk?" Asked someone.
"Who's that?" Asked Hakyeon when he could smell something fishy around him.
"Did I disturb the both of son and mother talk? Oopss! I'm so sorry Ms. Cha and a son of Mr. Cha." Tell thats stranger with a mocked voice.
"Who are you? How you kno..." Hakyeon voice stopped when he saw his mother scream painfully.
"Let it go you bastard. What you want from us." Scream his mother. More than that his mother not voice not sound soft anymore but more than that it sound like something else.

"Mum?" Call Hakyeon looking at his mother.
"Why we need your son anyways. His nothing but useless werewolf. He can't do anything with that human soul on him. Just like his father. We just give him opportunity to live because he could be Vamwolf a rare species who already write to be a king. When his nothing, so why we must keep him after all?" Tell that stranger. Now not voice only appeared but a solid body with a red eyes appeared before them eyes.
"Who are you?" Asked Hakyeon speechless. He can smell thats guy scent same as him. Then why thats guy want to kill him when they the same one.

Hi! I hope the reader not dissapoint from this story. It's more like my imagination only. But I have a great time while writing this. I'm so happy to the reader who read my story. Thank you so much. Even with my worse grammar... Tq guys...

AN UNPREDICTABLE VAMWOLF  (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu