Chapter Seven

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600 years later,

"Whoaaa...." yawn Hakyeon. He look everwhere before stand to make his body awake fully. He looked Hyuk who was stand beside him.

Oh my guard. Why he look tall than before?

"Hyung? Are awake? Welcome back." Tell Hyuk with wide smile.

"What happened? Why just you who guard me? Didn't at least 10 person?" Asked Hakyeon.

"Actually some werewolf was about to betrayed you. They didn't admit you as their king. So almost of another werewolf follow their plot and another else try to destroyed it. So I received command from my late father to protect you." Tell Hyuk almost teary.

"Oh, kid. Don't teary. I know how you felt. Let's me be your family now okay." Coax Hakyeon while hug Hyuk tightly.

"And also, you must be prepared to entered human world. Because we need to protect you. You human being to will make your vamwolf scent adapt with your surounding." Tell Hyuk try to hold his tears.

My mum and now Hyuk's father? How could them? Why though? They make my mum kill herself by suck my blood. Now after I awake the make me listen this such of news? I will make them regret. I will. Thats my promise.

Guys this chapter might be a shortest but please still read and have a fun time when reading.

AN UNPREDICTABLE VAMWOLF  (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon