Chapter 20 Aria: Pasta

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Aria's POV

Mealtime .

I sigh . I still feel Luke's soft lips on my cheek . That feeling I get butterflies in my stomach again . He's going to call me when he landed . And that's about it ... I look at the clock . An hour ! A sigh of longing escaped from my mouth . " What are you doing to sigh man ! " Asks Jamie irritated. I watch my brother in surprise. My father stops eating and looks curiously in our direction . " Ehmm ... " I say as if nothing is wrong . Jamie puts his cutlery down and looks at me irritated . "Since you came home this morning you remarkably cheerful ... or something .... and you sigh at a stretch ! Oh, and last week you had locked yourself in your room . And do not forget that you have tonight gegilt fucking hard . " I look at him in surprise . Now he 's put in a nutshell it sounds pretty weird , yes, but he has no idea what's being played back. "Those are things you do not so you do not have to know ! " I snap back . My father gives me a warning look . " Besides, you would not understand anything." I continue. Jamie opens his mouth to snap back, but my mother has him . " Come on . You are here too old for that. " She sighs . " Jamie do not stick your nose into other people's business . And Aria , snap your brother not so off . " Equal quiet again at the table. I carefully pack the 5SOS pick who sits on the chain of Luke . I 'm sure I 'll never do on this necklace . "How did you get that ? " Jamie asks curiously. I throw him an angry look. " Oh wait ... is not one that you dudes that hangs around . Maybe Luke ? Have you checked whether he is cheating , "he asks , grinning. " Stay out of my damn business you idiot ! " I shout . My eyes are moist. With my right hand I push Jamie's head into the paste . So sitting . I get up and run upstairs .

Nervously I lie in bed. Luke can call me anytime ! Expectantly I look at my phone . "Come on Luke , call ! " I wish that. I hear soft knock on my door . I quickly turn my head to the door . "Go away ! " I shout. However, the door opens . Jamie sticks his head gently to the door . "Can I please talk to me you?" He asks gently . "Go away ! You're really gone too far this time! " I say angrily . "I'm sorry ... " he says and walks into my room . "Did Mom and Dad sometimes sent to offer something? Apologize ' I ask suspiciously. "No, Mom had exploded and then came porridge also agree with such a stupid sermon . I realized that I was gone when you left me my pasta close view . " Too far He continues seriously . I admit that I have to laugh at the idea . "Actually, I should have stayed to see your face. I am sure that very funny . " I . Proest Jamie laughs with me here , but will soon continue . " I'm really sorry . I just do not want the whole thing '' '' Austin happened again . And I was just kind of a joke . Sorry . " It 's pretty funny to see Jamie. I get up from the bed and put my arms around him . " Ahh , you're such a sweetheart ." I say. "Like I was an idiot and now a baby? What am I ? " He laughs. "You 're an idiot ..... a cute baby or idiootje ." I laugh. * bleep bleep bleep * Quickly I let Jamie go and grab my phone . A picture of Luke and me , on the first day I was here in Sydney Sea Life , appears on the screen . "Luke ! " I say excited and breathless . " Aria ! " I hear him do after . I grin . From the corner of my eye I see Jamie walking from my room . "How was your flight ?" I ask. I feel butterflies in my stomach at the sound of his voice . "Have tried to sleep with Ashton beside you succeed not." He . Yawns " So you have not slept ?" "Yes , I 'm half because of the flight sit . Alongside Calum When I fell in sleep. " I smile . " What time is it there? Something ... 2 o'clock in the morning ? " I ask. " I believe EHMM 4 in the morning ." Reply Luke . In the background I hear Ashton giggle. " Ashton shut again ! I'm ashamed of you , you look like a little school girl ! " Calum I hear , in the background , irritated call . " Oh wow , so good there?" I laugh. " Oh well, at usual relationship problems ." Luke laughs . "I 'm just tired." I hear Calum 's voice on the phone . "Go to sleep quickly ." I reply , laughing. I hear bickering between Ashton and Calum in the background . " Ehhmm yeah ... it's good if I facetime tomorrow , I have to save a relationship ." Luke laughs . "Is good . See you tomorrow . " I say with a grin . "I love you , see you tomorrow ." Luke says, and hangs up. My heart is racing and I feel my cheeks redden . "I love you. " Those words echo in my head .

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