Chapter 8 Aria: This is my Jam!

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Aria's POV

I sat down in the middle on the backseat, while Luke and Calum sat down beside me. "Hey Ash, Hey Mike." I said cheerfully. Michael and Ashton had already turned around in their seats and were smiling at me. "Hey hey, fancy a day of beach fun?" asked Michael. 'Why I'm here then?" I laughed. 'Let's go!" Luke said while he and Calum closed their doors. The car came in motion and drove away. "Ash, put the radio on." Calum whined after 5 minutes. Ashton's hand shot quickly to the button on the radio.

'you've been having real bad dreams , oh oh

you used to lie so close to me , oh oh '

Sounded Just Give Me A Reason by Pink through the car. "Oh Yeah! This is my JAM!" Ashton screamed and sang along really loud. Soon we ended up singing along ridiculously loud. The last notes played and the song ended. Immediately after ''Just Give Me A Reason'' a new song began. The intro of the song was so familiar to me!

"Even when the sky is falling down"

Sounded a familiar beautiful voice. I immediately turned my head towards Luke. "YOUR SONG! ON THE RADIO!" I yelled. And the boys started laughing. I never expected that! On the radio! Wow! "What did you expected?" Ashton asked still smiling. "I don't know! That you were just a garage band or something!" I answered still amazed. "How was i supposed to know that throughout Australia would know you?''   "Well, not quite throughout Australia knows us know." Michael spoke. Ashton interrupted our us by singing loudly on top of our conversation. And of course that was very contagious so not much later we'll all sang along ridiculously loud.

Not much later we put our towels on the warm sand. From the corner of my eye I saw Ashton whispering something into Luke's ear, or so I thought I saw. He gave Luke a push in my direction. "Um, can you rub sun cream on my back, i can't reach it very well?" he asked gently. I slowly took the bottle sun cream and felt my cheeks glow. "Ehh, okay." I said blushing. He turned around and took his shirt off. For a while my breath stabbing in my throat. His back is beautiful, I thought against my will. Why did I thought this? Stop thinking these things! I told myself. I turned my eyes away from his back and looked at the bottle sun cream. I slowly put a bit of sun cream in my palm and smear it on his upper back. His upper felt soft and warm. My hands lubricated the sun cream on his shoulders and shoulder blades. The following dollop of sun cream I put on his lower back. When I was done I pulled my hands back. "Thank you, should I do you back too?" he asked as he turned to me. Oh shit! Why didn't i rubbed myself at home! I nodded shy and gave him the bottle. Behind Luke stood Ashton, Michael and Calum were also rubbing sun cream on each others back. I turned around and quickly pulled my beach dress over my head. I felt my face turning red. It felt so scary take off my dress in front of Luke. Luckily I wore my bikini underneath. My thoughts were interrupted by two large, soft hands who smeared sun cream on my back. Secretly I enjoyed it though. I felt Luke's fresh breath gently blowing in my neck. When he finished, he pulled his hands back. "Thank you." I said blushing and turned around. Again my breath remained stabbing in my throat.



I'm really sorry about the bad translation, I apologize.... I just saw all your reads and i really needed to update so here it is. I didn't got much time so that's probably why it's really bad. I still hope you liked it though. Please, vote, fan, comment and share.

Thank for all the reads and votes! it really means a lot to me!




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