Chapter 13 Aria: The Bonfire

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Aria's POV

It was a cold evening and I was glad that I wore a warm jacket. A cool breeze blew gently in my face while Olivia, the boys and I walked over to the bonfire. The fresh air made me feel better. The nausea was gone, I only felt a little cold but as we got closer, I could feel the heat from the fire. 'Hey guys! Take a seat!' A blonde boy with a dark red t-shirt said when we arrived. I glanced at the beach chairs around the fire. 'And hellloooooo ladies.' The boy added as he gave the boys a "men hug". 'Hello beautiful. I think we haven't met before.' He said and gave me a wink. 'I'm Ryan.' I hesitantly shook his hand. 'Aria.' Once he let go of my hand I quickly walked over to Oliva and sat down next to her in a beach chair. Why did he gave me a wink? That's creepy... especially when he does it. I looked around the circle while everyone greeted each other and started conversations. At the other side of the bonfire, right in front of me, sat a boy with red hair and freckles. He looked very annoyed. He stared emotionless into the bright flames while everyone else enjoyed each other. Two seats next to him sat a girl with shiny blonde hair. Her face was covered up with too much make up and she looked a bit overdressed. Beside her sat two girls who were having a discussion. The girl on the right had black, semi long hair and wore a white beach dress. Because of her white dress, her neon pink bikini was visible. Then the left girl had light brown hair with a little wave in it. She wore a purple, thick vest and gray sweatpants. I really like her bright colored sneakers, I thought to myself while looking at her sneakers. There are still some seats left, so I think there are more to come. 'That's Tanya. She's in our class...  I think.' Olivia said poining at the girl with the awsome sneakers. 'Next to her is Tiffany. Those two always argue about everything. Tanya tries to avoid those argues but Tiffany hates it that Tan has got a different opinion.' I opened my mouth to ask who the blonde girl next to Tiffany was but Olivia already answered. 'Oh yea... That's blondie.' She said while narrowing her eyes at the blonde girl. 'Hillary. Always surrounded by people. She's a sort of "Miss Populair" I don't really understand why because she's a bi.... not a friendly person to hang out with.' She corrected herself. 'Tiffany is alway with her. Everywhere blondie is, you can find Tiffany.... So annoying.' I nodded and took another look at Hillary. 'I assume you're not really friends.' I said, letting out a small laugh. Ryan ran up to us with some drinks. 'Are the ladies thirsty?' We both nodded and he gave us two cups of coca-cola. 'You just moved right? Feeling a home yet?' He asked. 'Actually, more than I expected.' I answered and took a sip. 'What did you expect?' I took another sip before replying. 'Just... Well I don't know. I thought it would be horrible because I had to leave all my Dutch friends behind. But now I'm here, I made a couple new friends and I realize that it's actually really fun here. Better than I expected.' He made a understanding sound and nodded. 'How did you know I just moved?' I asked. Right after I asked, I realized it was a bit of a stupid question. 'The boys have told me a lot about you.' He answered with a confident smile that made me a bit nervous. Nervous as is fear, scared, creepy. 'They told me you're a good surfer.' He continued. 'We should surf together sometime.'  What? Ehh right... I really do not want to go surfing with him. I prefer surfing with Olivia or hang out with the guys, not with him. Why is he trying to flirt with me? And now he's waiting for an answer to his surfing suggestion. What would he do when I say that I didn't want to? 'Aria! Want to go for a walk?' Luke asked while running over to us. Holy lord!! Thank you Luke! You saved me. 'Yeah sure!' I replied quickly as I jumped up from my chair and walked along Ryan towards Luke. Luke smiled at me while we walked away from the bonfire.

'Thank you. You sort of saved me.' I sighed while Luke and I walked along the water. He looked at me with a confused look on his face. 'Ryan sort of asked me to come surfing with him.' I explained. 'And uhh... I.. don't... want to.' I added carefully. Luke smiled and shook his head. 'It's not that he isn't nice or something it's just... I don't feel comfortable around him because...' 

'He's obviously flirting with you.' Luke finished my sentence. I looked at him surprised but he was right. I didn't feel comfortable with Ryan flirting with me. Luke climbed on one of the rocks along the beach and helped me out. It's a beautiful place up here, I thought when I got on the rock. Luke smiled and sat down on the rock with his legs over the edge. For a moment I just stood there and watched him. He looks so sweet. How he sits there just being... sweet. After this thought a little gaos came into my head. All these "What if" questions shoot through my mind and I didn't knew the answers to any of them. Because of the gaos in my head, I started to feel a bit nervous. I tried to ignore it and sat down next to him. He sighed as he turned his head and looked at me. His smile made me smile and could feel butterflies in my stomach as I've never felt them before. A cold evening breeze blew through my hair and I started to get goosebumps. 'Are you cold?' He asked gently. When I nodded he smiled and put his arms around me. 'You're shivering.' He whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but smile as I laid my head against his chest. For a while we just sat like this without saying a word. I crawled closer to him. His warmth felt so right that I didn't want to pull away no matter what. My heart raced just like the butterflies in my stomach. His scent was so good. Don't let me go, I wished. I felt his cheek against the side of my head. So soft... warm and I felt so save in his arms. I was surprised by all these feelings. 'I like you Aria, more than just friends... I love you. Ever since you got here I fell for you... hard.' He whispered.

A/N:Hey there!

Hope you liked this chapter. Thank god it's longer than the previous ones! :D

I don't really know about this chapter.... like if i've writen it right... it's a little hard to explain but please let me know what you think about it bc none of you gave me feed back or something. I mean if you don't have it's good but please let me know bc i'm curious. Thanks for reading it means a lot te me, honestly. Please vote if you liked it and leave a comment.




Falling In Love Again - English (translated) || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now