Chapter 5 Luke: Thank you Ashton...

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Luke's POV

I thought about her the whole time while we drove back to our house. Her beautiful smile and her cheeks, they turned red whenever I looked at her, how the wind played with her beautiful brown curls. Ashton, Calum and Michael stayed with me tonight, just for fun. "You're in love with her, aren't you?" Calum said to me as the living room was empty except for Mike, Ash, Cal and me. Before I could answer Ashton spoke. 'Don't you see how the poor guy looks at her and his clearly guilty face right now!" Ashton lay down on one of the mattresses. "Let's ship them! Laria! " Michael laughed. "Shut up, you dick." I laughed. I threw a pillow at his head. ''she has my approval." Calum said as he thudded down on the mattress next to Ashton. "Ehh .. okay ... thanks I guess. " I sat down on my own mattress. " The weird thing is that she's is so nervous around you sometimes. She looks... well ehh ... afraid." Michael spoke. "HAHAHA afraid of daddy penguin?! " yelled Ashton. "Mikey's right guys." Calum said. "What should I do than?" I asked. We sat down in silence for a few minutes. " There is only one advice I can give you, daddy penguin." Ashton said seriously. I glanced at him. "Good luck, mate." he laughed. I sighed. Well, this is the prove that i can't count on Ashton right now... "Well thanks Ash! Wonderful advice, which actually is not even an advice."I said irritated. "Just hang out with her often until she isn't scared or nervous anymore." Michael softly spoke. That's actually not a bad idea, i thought to myself. "Hey, tomorrow we will go to the beach all together and then you can soak up Aria in a bikini." Ashton giggled. For some reason he thinks he's really funny or something. But i smiled at the idea." It'll be okay." Calum reassured me. I let myself fall back on my mattress and realized that I was actually pretty tired. My eyes closed and I fell deeply asleep .

"Get up Lukey, your mother made a ​​delicious breakfast!" I slowly opened my eyes. Michael kicked a couple times hard against my mattress. "Move your lazy ass to the kitchen." he laughed. I sat up and stretched out. The smell of hot toast came from the kitchen into the living room. I quickly got up and walked into the kitchen. Calum, Ashton and my mother Liz where already having breakfast. ''Sorry, we've already begun. We didn't want to wait any longer.''Calum said with his mouth full. I took a seat next to Calum and started eating. “I just told Liz that we're going to the beach with Aria." Ashton said and he gave me a wink. "Oh..." I mumbled with my mouth full and I glanced at my mother. "Who is Aria anyway? You haven't talked about her. " she asked. Oh god, thanks Ashton, now I have to tell my mother everything about Aria and she knows exactly when i really like someone. "Ehh, we last met her in the park. She is... nice. " I spoke carefully. "She's definitely nice. " Ashton said amused, giving me a wink again. Come on Ashton, stop! Now she's gonna get suspicious. "Oh good. So you just came up with the idea to go to the beach with her?’’ asked my mother through. "We were already planning on going to the beach. And yesterday it was very nice so we thought it would be fun if we all were going. “rescued Calum me. "She's just moved to Sydney and we showed her the sights." he continued. "Oh how kind of you." My mother sincerely responded. “Where did she came from?" "The Netherlands." Calum quickly answered. 'Oh, that's not very close. She probably is missing her friends and stuff." My mom mumbled with her mouth full.

Falling In Love Again - English (translated) || Luke HemmingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang