Chapter 3 Aria: Not a loner after all

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Aria's POV

Why did I say 'yes'?!?! And then also called 'Yes please'?! What the hell is wrong with me? Did I forget what happened? "You haven't told me your name." he said, smiling. His bright blue eyes looked right in me. "Aria... Greenwood." I'm nervous. Stop being nervous and walk away! But I didn't, I really wanted to go with him to the Starbucks and to nice places in Sydney. He smiled. “So Aria, I'll introduce you to my band mates?" he asked. I smiled back and answered: "Yes please." again. I wanted to kick myself for my head! That was really weird! Why would i say something like that? Together we walked back to the rest of the band. "Hey guys, this is Aria Greenwood. She has just arrived here this morning so I thought it would be nice to show her some places in Sydney... and of course we first stop by the Starbucks." he said. ''Alright.'' said the boy with the drum box. It seemed like he gave a nod to Luke but I must have imagined. Luke did not liked me like that... right? "I am by the way Ashton." The boy said. “That’s Calum." He pointed to the boy with dark hair and brown eyes. "And that is... "" Michael." filled the boy with the guitar in. "So... first Starbucks eh ? asked Ashton.

"What do you want to drink?" asked Michael. We where standing in the line at Starbucks. 'Classic Hot Chocolate!" Yelled Calum a little too hard. Some people turned around to see who was calling. “sorry" Calum whispered. "Strawberries & Cream Frappuccino" Ashton said. I never actually ordered something in Starbucks so I had no idea what to pick. ''Same as Calum '' said Luke. "And you ?" asked Michael to me."Ehh, what do you recommend me ?" I asked. 'Hot Chocolate Classic! Those are legendary!"Calum answered immediately. "Okay, a Classic Hot Chocolate for me." "Okay than, go find a table, I 'll order and pay." Michael said. We moved among the people in the row. "Let's take that table by the window." Ashton pointed.

A couple minutes later we sat down with our drinks at the table by the window. "Hmmm , this Hot Chocolate is truly divine!" I said. I Quickly took another sip of my hot chocolate. "The funny thing is that we are drinking hot chocolate while it's summer." Luke laughed. I made a sound approvingly while I enjoyed my drink. "Where are you from?" asked Ashton after a couple minutes of silence. I put my cup down and wiped my mouth with a napkin. All eyes were on me. I 'm sure I'm red now, I thought to myself. "The Netherlands." I replied. "Why did you come all the way to Australia? Are you on holiday?" he questioned interested. "Well I do have holiday, but I 'm here because my father has a new job. Our new house is much cheaper here and now he has to travel less... he says. So we moved here." ''Dramatic switch." Mumbled Calum. "You miss your friends and family a lot, isn't it?" I nodded and looked away before I get sad and start crying. "So where are we going?" I asked to change the subject. "To the most characteristic building of Sydney: Sydney Opera House." Luke replied.

"Wow, never thought I would actually see this. " I said, looking at the Sydney Opera House. "From a distance it looks like the white roof is one peace, but if your closer you can see that the roofs are made ​​of white tiles. The roof must look like a sail." Luke informed me. "And that's the Sydney Harbour Bridge." he pointed out. "Shouldn't you be a tour leader?" I teased him.

Then we also visited Sydney Sea Life Aquarium. It was a great day which soon came to an end. The boys brought me back to Hyde Park because my bike was still there. I also had 4 new contacts in my iPhone: Calum Hood , Ashton Irwin , Michael Clifford and of course Luke Hemmings. I'm glad I have new friends. Apparently I'm not a loner after all. The guys are very nice and funny. Luke still let's me blush. But it shouldn't be! I 'm afraid ... afraid to be in love again. I just can't. But it is already too late for that. No, I need to put the idea of ​​Luke and I together out of my head. It's a scary thought. We 're just friends... "Do you feel like to go with us to the beach tomorrow? It takes some driving but that doesn't really matters." asked Ashton. ''I have to ask my parents if they have any plans for tomorrow. Then I'll text you if I can, okay?" I replied. I walked towards my bike that still leaned against the tree. "Thanks for everything today. I've had a good time." I said while hugging the boys goodbye. “No problem, we've also had lots of fun. I even feel like I have known you for years, but actually we met a couple hours ago." Michael laughed. "I'll text you about tomorrow.' I said again while I jumped on my bike. ''bye.'' they shouted all at the same time. I waved and drove to my house.

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