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Chapter 34

     I opened my eyes with a soft groan as my whole body ached. I sat up taking in the pain of my muscles as I looked down. For some reason, I expected Sebastian to be here but lately, everyone had been keeping their distance. I couldn't blame them for that though; I hadn't been the most sociable person recently. I glanced at the book I had carelessly dropped when I finally fell asleep last night reminding me of what I had been doing the day before. I rubbed my eyes and swung my legs over the side of the bed just as there was a knock on the door.

     "Come in." I stood up, wincing again as my body protested. Seconds later, Nicholas walked in carrying a tray. 

    "Good morning, M'lady." He set the tray down on the table and watched as I picked up the book from the floor. I glanced at what he brought be but the sight of food made me slightly queasy. "You should try to eat something." I nodded walking over and threw myself on the soft couch as he poured me a cup of coffee.

     "I've decided what we will do next." He paused for a split second nearly causing the liquid to spill though his reaction was expected. I hadn't been talking much since the news of Lev's execution.

     "What we'll do next? I wasn't aware you had made a plan. I thought the only plan you had  was heading to Sabaody to speak with your friend." He sat down on the couch opposite me as I reached for a muffin. 

     "Yes, but if we stay as we are, we will be seriously injured or possibly killed. The fight with the Marine ships was proof enough of that." I bit into the muffin taking a pause for my stomach to settle. "Going further thinking we'll always be in peak condition could have deadly consequences. The next island has a small village but the majority of it is wildlife. It will make a perfect training ground for us." His face turned down as he frowned at me and I knew more questions would be coming.

     "You're not doing this because of Lev, right?" I shook my head setting my half finished muffin back down on the tray.

     "You said it wasn't my fault but I don't see it like you do. In the future, I don't want that to be an excuse we can delusion ourselves with if one of us ever gets captured." We both entered a period of silence as the weight of my words fully settled in. It was true though; in the battle against the captain of the Marine ship, I barely managed to beat him. If the government ever decided we were too big of a threat and sent someone stronger after us, I wasn't confident we could win. With Travis's new crew claiming to sail under our flag, they just might send someone now. 

     Before either of us could say anything on the matter, a loud crash came from somewhere below. I stood quickly despite my aching body, taking off outside. "M'lady!" Nicholas came after me as I searched for any possible cause. It wasn't until Sebastian came running from the lower levels with a key gripped in his hand and blood flowing down his face did I realize what he had done. "Die!" The growl that could only belong to Logan, bellowed as another crash vibrated through the ship before he finally ran out of the deck.

     "Logan stop!" Riya panicked as Logan ran after Sebastian with bloodlust in his eyes. Riya looked around the ship until her eyes landed on me. "Scarlet! You have to stop him. He'll kill Sebastian." She cried out running toward me. Logan grabbed on to the back of Sebastian's shirt and slammed him into the ground by the time I could bring myself to move. My whole body screamed from the hell I had been putting it though but I couldn't think about that right now.

     "Logan." The boy bared his teen at Sebastian until he looked up, paling when he saw me approaching. "Let him go, Logan. I don't want to have to hurt you." I winced when Logan slammed his head against the floor leaving me no other option. My hair shot out grabbing the vicious beast and pinned him to the floor. My entire being trembled from using my devil fruit power when I was this sore but I knew I wouldn't be able to stop him otherwise. Logan immediately stilled looking up at me with wide eyes. "I told you to let him go. Next time, I won't bother warning you, do you understand?" He growled relaxing in my hold but it wasn't enough. "I asked you a question." His eyes snapped toward me when my hair tightened around his throat and limbs.

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