The Marines

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Chapter 10

     "Miss?" I glanced back at Rosa who was curling into herself. "Everyone is staring." I didn't bother looking because I knew they looking. None of them had said anything outright but the harsh stares seemed to be too much for Rosa who hadn't been around a crowd like this since she worked at the restaurant.

     "Don't worry about them. They won't hurt you." What I said was true- these people didn't have the gall. "Why don't we go shopping? As much as I love these dresses, they aren't suited for everyday living." I laughed, picking up the dress to reveal the dirty hem. 

     "We're going to shop for clothes?" She seemed hesitant but excited at the same time. I laughed at how easy she forgot the eyes on her.

     "Yeah, come on there's one around here somewhere." I vaguely remembered the area but I couldn't tell exactly where I saw the shop. "We can't stay long, though." She nodded as she picked up the pace. "So is there anything in particular that you want?" She took a minute to think about it but ended up shaking her head.

     "No, but I think I found the store." She pointed to a small shop down the street with a clothing rack out in front. We both smiled as we turned down the street, eager to shop.

     "Good evening! How may I h- Oh my!" Rosa stopped at the sales woman's outcry but I pulled her the rest of the way in. The woman set down the shirt she was in the middle of folding and slowly walked back to her coworker, her back as straight as a board.

     "Miss-" "Oh look at these!" We both spoke at the same time but my volume was louder, giving Rosa no chance to back out. I pulled some black pants off the rack. They were a soft sturdy material which would fair better than the delicate dresses I was used too. "Look around. We're on a time limit." I laughed which put Rosa at ease.

     "This looks pretty." Rosa hesitantly reached for a red crop top with a beautiful rose on the strap. I nodded with an encouraging smile. She quickly returned it, looking through the rest of the rack, the saleswoman already put behind her. I glanced through the stops hoping to find a shirt for the pants but the longer I looked the more it seemed like I wouldn't find one. "Miss?" I wanted to tell her she could call me by my name but I figured I was already pushing her boundaries enough.

     "Yeah?" I looked up seeing her lifting a cream colored blouse that left the shoulders bare. "That's really nice." I gasped looking at the beautiful cross patterns down the chest area.

     "I thought it would look nice with those pants." I smiled as she tossed it to me. "Can I ask you something?" I nodded glancing up at her for a second. "Is being a pirate really this honorable?" I know she was talking about the situation with Jillian by the way she nervously looked down.

     "No. Most pirates would stab you in the back if it meant getting ahead. But when I was a little girl, there was this notorious pirate that would sometimes visit my mother and I. He would tell me stories about his life on the sea; the way he talked about being a pirate made it seem like it was a time where strong bonds were made and crews were families. Even though it was a different time, it showed me what kind of pirate I'd want to be and as long as I stuck to my own code, no one else could put me down." She stared at me for the longest time, her face twisting as she thought about something.

     "I think I have enough." She lifted her arms showing me a handful of shirts and a few dress and pants. I laughed picking up two more pairs of pants, shorts, and three tops before following her to the counter. Both of the sales women still looked frightened but Rosa didn't falter like the first time. From the corner of my eye, I saw this cute black and purple coat with a large hood and I simply couldn't resist swiping it off the hanger. 

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