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     Author's Note: Guess whoooo lol comment! Vote! Please :) I know it's a short chapter so sorry.

Chapter 13

     I let my body sink down further into the bath, watching my hair spread out and flow with the water. The steam rose up from the hot water, shrouding the whole room in a thick haze which made it hard to see clearly. "You didn't tell them about how you came to possess your devil fruit powers or about the marines." I smiled hearing Nicholas' voice. I tilted my head back seeing his silhouette from behind the screen divider.

     "They didn't ask that question. I have my issues with the government; it shouldn't influence them. If they hate the government, it should be for their own reasons." I lifted my arm out of the water to pop a bubble that was floating upwards. "How is Jillian?" I stood up letting my hair fall straight down my back. I tried to lift my hair up but the most it moved was three or four inches before dropping down limply.

      "He is fine for now. He wanted to speak with you when you had the time." I hummed as I wrapped a towel around my body and headed toward the screen divider.

     "Do you mind?" I smiled holding up a towel as I stepped around the screen. He quietly took the towel and waited for me to turn around before starting to dry my hair. "I think I should start working on my control." I turned my head to see his face but he kept his neutral expression.

     "That would be a good idea; I had been thinking about picking up my gun again. We've been far too slack with our training." I nodded in agreement having the same thought in mind. "I'm glad your hair is like a blade otherwise it would take far too long to dry." He joked taking another strand of hair and running the towel down it to wipe away the water. "I'll be in the training room if you need me." I nodded and watched as he walked away.

     Now that my hair was mostly dry, I quickly dried my body and pulled on my clothes. I looked down at my cream colored nightgown and smiled thinking Nicholas knew me better than I knew myself. I slid my feet into a pair of fuzzy slippers and walked out of the steam filled bathroom. Walking down the fall make me realize how big the ship was and with only five passengers, I was eerily quiet. I shook off the thought but still quickened my pace to the lower level.

     "Scarlet?" I looked up seeing Jack stepping out of a room but I couldn't help the chill that went down my spine when I first heard him. "What are you doing down here?" I shook off the residual paranoia remembering why I was here.

     "Jillian wanted to see me." He nodded stepping away from the door. He had this expression on his face but I couldn't tell what it was which was strange. He must have noticed I was trying to read him because the expression vanished and was replaced with his familiar brooding look. "I'll be brief." I brushed passed him trying not to reveal how conflicted I was. I wanted to know what made Jack tick in every sense of the meaning but I didn't want to pry and possibly scare him off. How contradictory.

     "Thanks." I nodded and stepped through the threshold, simultaneously cutting off any further conversation we could have had. I sighed when I closed the door, the light from the hall shut out. 

     "There's the Captain." I put on a smile when I turned toward Jillian who lay in his bed with the covers pulled up to his chest. "I didn't think you'd be here so soon." He chuckled while fiddling with his oxygen mask.

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