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Author's note: Super short chapter but it's only a filler. Sorry!

Chapter 18

     I was lead back to my cells in the normal fashion with one exception- Rosa was right behind me. Having her with me got rid of some of my worries but it didn't get us out of here. I could feel Rosa's desire to talk to me but I mad it clear she would have to wait until we were in our cell. We couldn't risk letting anything slip while there were guards around. 

     "I hear one of the big timers requested this match. Boss said they're making a big event and bringing out all the A and S-Ranks." I looked at the two men who just assumed we weren't listening in. "I didn't think we did that." The man sighed reaching for his pocket.

     "We don't. It just shows you how much money he has." He grinned. "I think our pay will be a bigger this time around with all the new fights." I scowled, practically seeing the money signs in their eyes. The men pulled our chains tighter when our cell came up, all talk of money and fights silenced. I glanced at Riya who sank deeper into her hoodie while Logan did his usual routine of wishing us dead.

     The men said nothing as they chained us to the wall but I knew it was because being in a room of A-Ranks made them paranoid and overly cautious. The second they locked the cell door I turned to Rosa. "Are you okay?" She nodded despite her eyes filling up with unshed tears.

     "I didn't know what to do when I couldn't change. I barely made it to the fight today." Her panic fed Logan's bloodlust and his attempts to get to her. "Even if I could change, I'd shred these clothes." She backed up into a corner to stay out of Logan's reach.

     "You did wonderful, Rosa." I smiled, the sight of her tears making me want to burn this place down. "You can't change because the food is drugged. You shouldn't eat any more of it." I knew it was asking a lot but I couldn't do this alone. "Riya, I was hoping that when we fight against you, you'd be willing to help us escape." Riya's eyes widened and almost immediately, she shook her head. "You could come with us." I smiled, hoping she'd jump at my offer for her freedom.

     "I can't. Logan..." She sniffled covering her head. Logan hadn't paid attention to what we were discussing, too preoccupied growling at Rosa.  

     "We'll take care of him too. You won't have to fight to stay alive anymore." I could see the doubts weighing on her mind but if this was going to work, I'd need her cooperation. "Can gamblers with a lot of money influence the fights of a big event?" She seemed to calm down at the question but I wasn't letting that conversation die so easily. I just needed to sate my curiosity.

     "Not that I know of; the man in charge determines the fight matchups and when they are fought. To have a big event would mean this person has more money than the men can turn away." I hummed to myself letting that sink in. The same man would have been here the last few days to know about us. We had only been here for a few days and we climbed the ranks abnormally fast. 

     "So how to big events work? Assuming you have participated in one before." She nodded, shifting in her spot. 

     "Events are normally two days. They 'recruit' more fighters and have them debut as fillers for the main fights. There's normally two or three huge fights in one day spread out evenly so no one gets burned out. These main fights are always A and S ranks." I nodded, figuring the last part out already.

     "So we're going to have to fight tomorrow or the day after huh?" She nodded looking at Logan who seemed to have calmed down. "What a mess." I groaned, sick of the dirty feeling. Didn't they let us bathe? It was horrible enough that they forced us to use buckets if we had to use the restroom but to leave us sitting in our own filth was just inhuman. 

     "Miss?" I looked over at Rosa who was watching Logan carefully. "Do you think Nicholas and Jack are looking for us?" I could tell she didn' even want to ask but I also knew she was worried about staying her longer than we had too. It was something I was worried about too; the longer we stayed here the more our hunger would get to us. We would have a harder time making an escape if we were drugged.

     "I'm sure they are." I smiled and that was the one thing I didn't doubt. Nicholas wouldn't let us be taken on our own ship. That was the ultimate insult to injury. "But we can't sit and wait for them to save us. We need to meet them halfway." She nodded as some of the tension left her shoulders. "Will you be okay with no food?" 

     "Yeah. I'm used to it." She tried laughing but I knew it reminded her of her time on the marine base. "Should I give it to... Riya?" She tested the name out. Riya seemed uncomfortable now that there was another person she didn't fully trust so close.

     "If this is going to work, you'll need to give it to Logan. The drugs should slow him down enough for you to escape." I nodded, noticing how she didn't include herself or Logan in that escape plan. They both were- even if she didn't know it yet.


 Riya and Logan

 Riya and Logan

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