Loguetown Marines

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Sort of an uneventful chapter but next one will be better.... I think... sorry!

Chapter 27

     The second we docked, I could tell everyone felt the change in the air. Even from our hidden dock, I could see marines walking around, either patrolling or just loitering around having a laugh. I scowled, not particularly liking the odds of slipping through this town undetected; not with what I had planned. Rosa had locked herself away in the kitchen having her own bad history with the marines while Jack looked beyond indifferent. 

     "So are we just docking to restock or is there something more we need to do here?" Nicholas' eyes gave him away. They were filled with excitement as if he knew I was planning something that would cause some trouble. Despite not being a fan of my more reckless ideas, he sure loved to stir up trouble. "Perhaps something Amir wanted your help with?" I laughed at his blunt yet teasing question.

     "Just a little jailbreak." I watched him roll is eyes. "Logan's getting riled up again anyway. It's most likely all his pent up energy so he should mellow out after a few more brawls." He huffed at the mention of Logan and the urge to ask why he disliked the boy so much arose but I bit it down. He didn't like Amir either and Logan was a wilder yet weaker version of him so it wasn't like it was a complete mystery.

     "So Jack, Rosa, and Riya stay? What about Drogo and Lev?" I shook my head having thought about that since the said they'd only stay with us until the next island. 

     "No. I'll need you to make sure they get where they want to go then return to the ship. You need to stay under the radar though since your bounty is higher than mine; the Marines will recognize you on the spot." He nodded watching the people scurry about on the shoreline. "I'll be taking Rosa with me since people don't know her face yet. Today we'll get what we need and tomorrow, Logan, Rosa and I will slip into the base and find Amir's son." Nicholas groaned sliding down to sit on the wood floor.

     "Why do I have this feeling that the boy will be just as infuriating as his father?" I laughed taking off my hat. "I take it you'll be changing your appearance to blend in better?" I nodded spinning my hair into a bun.

     "I'm not as recognizable with my hair up." Nicholas' hand slowly slid into mine and when I looked down I found his eyes were already peering into my own. 

     "You'd be recognizable no matter what you do, M'lady." His green eyes clouded over with a familiar dullness that women seemed to get lost in.

     "And you wonder why women gave you the name Prince." He laughed and in an instant, the cloud over his eyes vanished and his lips upturned into a genuine smile.

     "They're all so easy to fool." He took my hat from me and yawned while draping it over his head. "I could never fool you, though." I laughed thinking about the first time he tried pulling one over on me. "I'll let Rosa know the plan." I nodded watching him rise to his feet and start walking in the direction of the kitchen. 

     "Miss?" I nearly jumped out of my skin not having heard the small boy approach. How long has he been there? Was his lack of presence a skill learned in the arena or had he always had it? "Will we be safe here?" His voice was even smaller than he was but it was a miracle he even spoke to me. I think for the whole time he's been here, I've only heard his speak three times.

     "Of course you will. As long as you stay with Drogo, no one will harm you. This is a marine island so no one would dare cause trouble here." I smiled down at his innocent face until I thought about what I had planned. Shit. Well, that was a lie. But this kid as so cute and innocent, it was a mystery how someone could throw hm into a fighting ring and expect him to win. "You can make friends here and grown up to be a strong man." His eyes lit up while a blush covered his face. He bowed his head before running below deck most likely going back to Drogo.

     I blew out a breath of hot air as I looked over at the shore. Breaking someone out of a Marine base was one thing but I'd have to get Logan inside while keeping him in line. I scrunched my forehead knowing it wouldn't be an easy task considering he said he'd kill me if given the chance. This is more than putting my faith in Logan.


     I followed behind Rosa, watching with amusement as she shuffled around nervously. I understood her over awareness of people's stares but it wasn't in the way she feared. I had told her to change into her human form and since entering the town, she had received more than her fair share of looks- especially from the men. I laughed to myself as she tucked her hair behind her ear, a nervous habit she only seemed to have in human form. I made sure my hood was covering my face as I walked beside her. 

     "Amir was right," Rosa whispered looking around at the crowd. "There are a lot of Marines here." I nodded noticing. Even though we had stuck to the outer rings of the island, there were still quite a few marines loitering around. In this area they out-numbered the population 2:1 and it would get worse the closer we got to the base. I could see a few Marines looking my way but they didn't seem to be overly cautious. 

     "Are we almost done with the food run?" She nodded looking down at the list she had made before leaving the ship. "We really need to find a way to get cheaper meat since it seems to be a big part of what we stocked up on." Rosa nodded with a frown. She was probably thinking the same thing.

     "Are you really going to bring Logan with us when we-" She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. It was pretty obvious she had her doubts and was smart enough not to slip up around all these military men. "It just seems like a big risk." I nodded looking at some fish they had on display.

     "It is but he can't change overnight. It will take some time but there will come a time where he doesn't try and kill us." I smiled trying to hide my own impatience. I wanted to have both Logan and Riya get to know us and fight with us. Right now, the ship was divided- us and them. As a captain, it was an uncomfortable situation. 

     "I hope it is soon. Riya would feel better if he wasn't kept locked up and I'm sure everyone would feel a lot better if he wasn't thinking about killing us." I nodded, my thoughts coming to the same conclusion. I didn't free him to throw him in another cage. It didn't matter if we treated him better- a cage was still a cage. 

     "We should head back soon. The sun is setting and more Marines will start to fill the streets. Rosa's expression deflated at having to leave so soon but it was a good sign; she was getting better around crowds. Sure she was still self-conscious but she was getting used to being in the middle of all the people. Now if only Logan could catch up too.

Peaceful Anarchyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें