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Author's Note: Decided to update early because of ShadowTakerZero. I love you lol. Comments are great motivation!

Chapter 9

     The week that followed went by in the blink of an eye. The night after making the deal with Jack, about a dozen people showed up at the harbor including a lovely married couple of dwarf giants. Once they heard about our plan for the old man, they rushed over, the bonus of getting paid quickening their pace. Jack and I had already discussed the layout that I wanted and with Jack fixing the holes in my plan we were good to jump right in. Transporting the materials we needed had been difficult but with the help of everyone, we got it all in the grotto.

     Bepo had come around every day around noon, with the permission of his captain of course. He would eat a few fish for lunch with us then he and Rosa would go off and train. It seemed to be helping because I could see the change in Rosa. She had even run up the length of the grotto on all fours, her powerful claws pushing her forward. It was a sight to see. After each training session, Bepo would convince Rosa to grill up more fish- though it wasn't too hard. I would have agreed to it too though Rosa was thrilled to have so many people enjoying her cooking. I could tell she missed the adorable bear when he announced his departure just two days ago.

     Jack seemed to be in his element as he worked on the ship. He'd leave twice every day to check up on Jillian and he would head home every night hours after midnight. Despite that, every morning when I opened my eyes, he'd be right there looking over the plans and the work of the other men. I don't know if he did it to see if it was all going as planned or because he didn't want to wake us. One the deck was finished, he had forbade me from coming aboard which irritated me to no ends. I was dying to see what was being done but he had recruited the help of Nicholas to keep me in the dark. They even had gone as far as putting a large tent up to block my view. Traitors.

     "Miss!" I sat up from the small cot on a ledge at the sound of Rosa's call. "Lunch is ready." I stood up looking down at the others who had put down their tools for a lunch break. My eyes searched for Jack but it was merely out of habit. He would be long gone by now because at this time he would return home accompanied by Boston, the dwarf giant, to check up of Jillian whose condition has only worsened. He always took boxes of food, no doubt packed by Rosa. I dusted myself off and jumped down off the edge.

     "M'lady." Nicholas scowled as I dropped down to the base shore. "You should really be more careful." I waved him off seeing the delicious spread of meats, stews, salads and desserts. "We'll need to go the market soon. We didn't expect to feed so many people." Nicholas sighed. "It's a good thing we're almost done." I gave a small glare knowing damn he said that to tease me.

     "This looks wonderful Rosa." I turned my head away to give the cook a smile, ignoring Nicholas' light laughter. I grabbed a plate and went straight for the lamb. "It smells even better." I took a small bite, savoring the fireworks exploding on my taste buds.

     "Delicious as always, Rosa." I could see the impact the shipbuilders had on Rosa's confidence. They didn't even bat an eye when the arrived at the grotto and they didn't hesitate to eat her food which was a first for her. The swish of her tail showed just how at ease she was and now that she was back to her training with Nicholas' it was clear just how much her time with Bepo helped.

     "M'lady." I looked up seeing him hold up a small communicator. I think Jack called it a den den mushi. "It's ringing." I tilted my head and set my plate down to pick up the mouth piece. The second I did, Jack's panicked voice rang through the communicator's mouth.

    "Scarlet! I'm at the hospital!" All the chatter stopped at the news. "My grandfather was in bed but I couldn't wake him up." My heart sank at the possibility. "The doctor's told me he doesn't have long now. Two maybe three days at most. He's running out of time!" His fear started to unsettle me.

     "Then run faster." His rapid breathing slowed at my order. "Nicholas said it was almost done right?  We'll just work through these last two days. We will get him out to sea." I growled hanging up on him with a loud slam. "Our lunches will have to be cut short. Eat quickly and get back to work." I could see the doubt clear on their faces but they started stuffing their faces. 

     "Miss..." Rosa sat down with her hands clasped tightly in her lap. I knew she didn't believe we'd make it but if she voiced her opinion now, it would only feed the other's doubts as well.

     "Jillian will sail on this ship." My tone was stern. It was a challenge for her, if she dared accept, to verbally admit she doubted not only me and my will, but the hard work everyone else has put into this ship. If she failed, she had no place on my ship.

     "Then I should help. Nicholas and I can train after this is over." I nodded feeling a small smile tugging at my lips. 

     "Alright! Back to work." They all rushed back to the ship leaving Nicholas, Rosa and myself alone. "If you won't let me see the ship itself, I should be handling the transporting of furniture or extra materials." I left no room for discussion. "Rosa, come with me into the city." I looked at her watching the way she tensed up.

     "Me? B-but why Miss? Surely I can help with some of the labor here." She offered but I wasn't hearing her excuses.

     "You are the cook are you not? The food we get today will be the food for our voyage. You're the one deciding what to make so shouldn't you be the one to pick the ingredients?" She faltered at my reasoning but her tail swished once telling me she was afraid. "There's these little cakes I want to show you too." 

     "Okay miss." She followed me to a spare boat the shipbuilder's had brought with them. Nicholas gave me a look before handing me the dagger as a precaution. He knew me all these years but he still didn't know what went on in my brain. I guess I liked that I could still surprise him.

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