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Author's note: I already have new characters in mind oh I'm so excited... let's see if I can actually follow through and write out the parts in my head. Sorry if this is shitty.

Chapter 32

     "Get out of my room." My voice sounded tired even to my own ears. It had been two weeks since we crossed over the red line and every night, Sebastian had somehow made his way into my room and curled up around me. It was every morning that I shoved him off and kicked him out; I wasn't the only one that disliked the development because every morning, Nicholas would be standing outside my room waiting to lecture the brazen boy after a good smack to the head. 

     "I like your bed." Sebastian pouted after standing up off the ground. I walked over him pulling on my coat as I went. "Though the wake-up call is starting to ruin the experience." I shook my head as Nicholas walked in with a similar scowl. "Why the frown playboy?" Nicholas narrowed his eyes at Sebastian's amused smile.

     "Travis called over the den den mushi." I raised my eyebrow a little surprised at the information. "He spoke with Riya for the most part but he directed the last part of the conversation towards you, M'lady." I walked by him as we left my room, Sebastian trailing behind us obviously eavesdropping. "He figured we hadn't been paying attention to the news lately if we hadn't called him." I furrowed my eyebrows trying to think about the last time I've even seen the paper.

     "Can you bring the ones I haven't seen to the kitchen? I'll look through them as we eat." He nodded separating from me to grab them. I glanced at Sebastian who was staring at me curiously. "What is it, Sebastian?"  His eyes turned yellow as he trailed behind me.

     "You're pretty laid back." I hummed not really seeing the problem with that. "I'm not complaining but I just thought captains were more commanding." He laughed scratching the back of his head. "But besides the mandatory training, everyone kinda does their own thing.' 

     "Of course. I want you all to be able to protect yourself if the need arises and let's face it, most of us have at least a dozen wanted posters in the two islands we've passed so far. We will need to fight at some point but for now, we can just enjoy our freedom." I shook out my hair in frustration. Breaking Sebastian out of Loguetown created bigger waves than I thought; it didn't help that everyone was already on edge thanks to another group of pirates that created the tension only a few weeks before our arrival.

     "Good morning!" Rosa beamed when we walked into the kitchen. "You were sleeping in so I went ahead and took Logan and Riya their breakfast." I nodded grabbing one of the strawberries she had out in a bowl.

     "Thank you, Rosa." She brightened handing Sebastian a plate of thick waffles covered in fruit and powdered sugar. I laughed seeing him nearly drool over the decorated plate, wasting no time in digging in. "Breakfast looks amazing as always." I bite into the strawberry trying to hide my concern. This past week, Logan had been oddly quiet; he had been jumping back when I brought him his meals so I tried having Rosa bring them and he was acted almost normal. He growled but made no move to attack her as she slid their food through the gap under the cage door. I wasn't sure if this was progress or a setback.  

     "Here are all the newspapers we have. We've been throwing them in the storage room since we don't want to see how much trouble we caused." I laughed at Nicholas' wince when he walked in carrying seven still rolled up newspapers. "From the more recent to the oldest." I looked down at them picking up the eldest one. 

     "Thank you." Rosa and Nicholas sat down watching me as I unrolled the paper. I scanned through some of the articles not finding any cause for alarm. Was Travis just messing wth me? Though the Straw Hats seem to be making quite the name for themselves as of late. I flipped through the rest of the issue quickly, not interested in the problems of those living on land. "Nothing yet." I murmured grabbing another as I slide my plate over towards me. I cut into my waffle flipping through the paper, my eyes running over the information looking for anything that involved the annoyance that was Travis. 

     "Nothing still?" Rosa peeked over curiously. I shook my head handing her the paper so she could look for herself. I chewed my food slowly as I grabbed the third paper. I glanced at the front page and in a split second, a raging headache popped up in the front of my head. Travis and his flirtatious grin, stood up top a ship that held two flags waving proudly. "Miss?" I couldn't look away from the octopus-like skull that waved above the previous flag but it was the caption that had me fuming.

      Royal Pirates Finally Building an Army?

     I gripped the paper in my hand flipping to the next page to see Travis along with six other people's wanted posters. I rested my head on the table letting Nicholas take over. I shut my eyes as he read the first page out loud as well as the stupid stunts they have been pulling that got them on the front page. "I bet you regret telling him to do what he wanted now." I lifted my head long enough to shoot him a glare before setting my head back down. "Scarlet." I looked up at the thick emotion in his voice.

     "What is it?" He glanced at me before walking over and throwing the paper in the stove. I jumped up wondering what the hell that was about. "Nicholas!" I was about to walk over to him when his face fell in pain. "What is it, Nicholas?" I knew it must have been bad for him to not only call me by name but to throw the paper in the open flame.

     "Lev..." Everyone save for Sebastian tensed at the pain in Nicholas' voice. "They...." I clenched my teeth wondering what could be happening to the poor boy and his guardian. Have they been imprisoned again? Travis' actions were the furthest thing from my mind right now. 

     "Did the government arrest them?" Nicholas stared at me with eyes of steel. "Tell Jack to change the course. We can go back and get them-"

     "They've been executed." I stopped my path to the door as his words cut through the air- images of my mother flashing through my head like lightning. "They were arrested for being affiliated with pirates.... and were publicly executed last week." I swallowed the lump in my throat as I pictured the shy little boy that had been on my ship what seemed like yesterday, the memories of my mother slowly receding into the depths of my mind.

     "But- He was a child." I tilted my head not understanding what I had heard. Had they really killed Lev? Why? Just because he knew pirates? I shook my head trying to get his innocent eyes peering up at me out of my head. "Why?" I balled my fists unable to understand how someone could kill a child. 

     "There was nothing you could have done." Nicholas' words rolled right off me as I walked towards the door. He was wrong. There were so many things I could have done differently. I could have even brought him with me. Anything could have been the decision that kept the boy alive and I did none of them. "It's not your fault!" Nicholas called after me but no matter what he said, the image of Lev's hopeful stare wouldn't leave my mind. 

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