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Author's note: So this chapter is horrible I know but I'm publishing it anyway in an attempt to get out of my writer's slump. It's thanks to that I'm even trying right now lol the comments are a real motivator.

Chapter 31

     The ship rocked dangerously as it moved away from the deadly current but my stomach was practically near my throat. I released the death grip I had on the railing and laughed. Nicholas, Rosa, and Sebastian stared at me if I had gone made but I couldn't stop. As terrifying as that was, it was exhilarating and I wanted to do it again. "That was fun." Nicholas shook his head while Rose openly gaped at me.

     "Told you." Sebastian grinned looking around. "This is a nice ship." Beatrice flew up and circled the ship twice, most likely giving Sebastian a bird's eye view.

     "Rosa, can you start lunch a little early, maybe some fish for the birds? I'm sure we're all hungry." Her eyes lit up at the mention of cooking so she nodded and headed off toward the kitchen. "Sebastian, if you'll come with me, I can show you to your room." He tilted his head toward me as I started walking.

     "My room?" I nodded as he followed me across the deck. "As in my own room?" I looked at him seeing the clear surprise in his yellow eyes. "I expected to be sharing a room with a bunch of men who all snore." He admitted following me down the stairs. The birds on both of his shoulders nestled down cleaning their feathers quietly. It was a strange sight for me.

     "No," I laughed observing him as he looked inside the training room as we walked by, "You'll be in your own room. Down the line, it is possible you will be sharing with another person but that may never happen; either way, you'll have plenty of room for you and your pets." He nodded whistling when he peeked into the bathrooms.

     "I think I'm going to like it here." He grinned. "Though you don't seem worried that I might rob you and take off." I laughed, the idea having never occurred to me. "Either you are too trusting or you're a fool." He laughed but I wasn't insulted in the slightest.

     "Neither. We don't have much for you to take and if you do, we can always find more." I smiled finding his amused grin reassuring. "The rooms are on the last floor. There's not much in the room but we can always pick up things along the way." He nodded looking at the shut doors. I opened one of the empty rooms, shaking my head when the birds flew by me to scope out the room. "You can settle in for now. Rosa will call when lunch is ready." He nodded jumping on the bed with a laugh. 

     "Where will you be?" I tilted my head wondering why he was so curious. 

     "I'll be in my room. It's on the deck where we just came from." He nodded slowly with a yawn so I shut the door leaving him to rest. He must not have slept well in the Marine base though I couldn't blame him for that.

     "Seems like we have a new addition." I looked over at Nicholas who stood at the stairway to the upper levels. I nodded feeling like whatever energy I had was sucked out of me. I sighed, my body weighing me down. "Are you alright? You shouldn't strain yourself. You've been using your hair more which consumes energy that you weren't used to tapping into." I scowled when he lifted me up in his arms.

     "I can still walk." I rubbed my temples in an attempt to avoid his eyes. "There's no way to convince you to let me down is there?" He shook his head climbing the stairs with ease.

     "You should slowly build up your strength instead of using it in high-risk situations." The scowl was still on Nicholas' face but there was a hint of worry in his tone. I crossed my arms in protest but I knew there was no fighting him on this. He was especially stubborn when it came to my well-being. 

     "Fine, I'll rest in my room until Rosa is finished with lunch." He didn't say a word but I could see he was thinking it over. He should just accept it because it was as good of a compromise as he was getting.

     "Okay." I smiled letting another yawn slip. "Just go to sleep, I can tell you want too." I scowled letting my eyes close taking in the scent of the sea salt and women's perfume that had just become part of him after the years.


     I groaned when I felt a faint presence moving around me but for some reason, I remained in my peaceful state of half sleep. I didn't sense any malice coming from the person so it was safe to assume it was one of my crew. It must have been Nicholas because Jack never entered my room without my permission and Rosa would have announced herself by now. I turned on my side falling deeper into my sleep as the bed dipped beside me.

     "Miss....." I stirred in my sleep feeling my body being weighed down. "Um... Miss?" Rosa's voice registered in my head pulling me out of the dark abyss. "Miss." I opened my eyes spotting Rosa at the end of my bed with a confused look on her face. I blinked rapidly as my gaze traveled down when I felt the weight on my stomach stir. I tensed when I found myself staring down at Sebastian who was sound asleep using me as a body pillow. 

     "Is lunch ready?" Rosa nodded clearly unsure about how to react to this scene. I shook my hair out and took a deep breath before giving the creep one harsh shove. He let out a loud yelp that was followed by a heavy thud as he hit the floor.

     "What was that for?" He whined looking up with snow white eyes. I scowled at his question and stood up stretching until all my joints clicked into place.

     "Lunch is ready though that wasn't the reason. Why are you in my room, asleep on my bed?" He smiled sheepishly but I wasn't buying his bashfulness now. 

     "The bed in my room is far too empty." I balled my fist and brought it down on his head before following Rosa out. Recruiting him had been far too easy which meant getting used to him would be far more difficult. I sighed when he caught up walking entirely too close with that same devilish grin Amir had.

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