Cobra's POV

"You think that I would become Allies with a weak, uncoordinated, stupid, untrained gang like yours? My gang could take down everyone sitting in this room in seconds", I said while still smirking at John. I start evilly cackling again, making them all think I was going slightly crazy. Oh, who am I kidding, I've already reached that stage in my life. *cue evil smirk*. I mean how much do you think someone can take before they snap. Some of the men look like they wanted to kill me while steaming from the ears; some of them look like they want to run and hide out the rest of their days, and the rest of them just look at me like I'm a complete psychopath. I have interrupted this meeting several times now.

I look at each man and give them my evilest stare making sure they know they're not going to live. I turn to look at my target willing him to say something stupid out of his mouth. He sneers at me and starts going into a rant that went something like you're just a weakling. Blah, blah, blah. I'm going to have fun torturing you. blah, blah, blah. You're not skilled enough to be a second and so you must be Dimitris (The leader I killed) whore. Blah blah blah the next time I see him I'm going to make sure he puts you in the ring. The last two sentences however caught my attention. My interest immediately skyrocketed, and I locked gazes with him. I smirk at him as soon as he says it and fear passes through his eyes.

I wink at him and move closer so that I'm right next to his ear. "You'd like to know wouldn't you" I say as I lick right below his ear making him shudder. "The amount of times you've imagined us together in this small amount of time, I've imagined you dying for your sins. Oh, and that ring you're talking about, yeah I destroyed it before joining you lovely ladies at the big girl table". With another lick right under his ear, he once again shudders, and I go sit back down in my seat.

He is in a slight daze until my words register and his look of lust turns into one of pure, hot, boiling rage. He shouts something to the men using code, which seems to press a play button on some remote. Someone next to me decides to lunge at me, but I move so quickly that I have him on his knees in a headlock before he could even blink. I twist his neck so hard I hear a satisfying crack and he's now looking at me backwards. I quickly drop him to the floor; 1 man down, 7 more left to go. So, they want to play this game, do they? Well, they came to the right person because I sure do like a good fight.

Challenge accepted.

Another one decided to lunge at me, so I quickly took a knife out of one of my sleeve holsters and stabbed under his chin. It went right through his jaw hitting the bottom of his brain. His eyes roll to the back of his head and I throw him to the floor. 2 down, 6 more men to go, then I can go clean my entire weapon collection, which grows almost daily. I can feel one trying to sneak up behind me, so I quickly turn and throw a knife right between his eye sockets. He quickly drops to the floor, and I avert my gaze to the remaining men in the room. 3 men down, 5 more to go then I'm back home eating ice cream. It's only been 2 minutes and I've wiped out half of them.

I forgot to mention earlier why I'm so fast, and powerful. I'm a hybrid mix of vampire, werewolf, demon, and fairy. I know weird combination, but it gets the job done. My powers come from the energy surrounding the earth. The fairy side of me allows me to use the elements and fly. The vampire side allows me to be super-fast, and gives me mind control, lucid dreams, and telekinesis. My werewolf allows me to change into my wolf form and connect with any animal. My demon side, however, is where I get my main source of power. She's the strongest demon being the first to roam the earth with Lucifer. She allows me to change my auras. The powers I get with her are deception, and shapeshifting. I can mimic anyone in the world I've ever came into contact or eyesight with. All my forms have their shared balance of good and evil. This will never allow me to go fully one way and not return. Everyone in this room excluding my target and me are human, so all the men are staring at me in shock. They're deciding if they want to continue this beat down or not. Some of the men now look unsure, and afraid at what they just witnessed. I mean if you saw someone going inhuman speed would you deem it natural?

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