Fudgity fudge nuggets

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"Wake up sunshine." I heard a voice call out through my haze. I reached my hand out to shut off the voice but quickly retreated my hand when I heard a voice say ow.

"Leave me alone!" I groaned out and stuffed my pillow over my face.

"Don't make me get the bucket." He warned but I just rolled over on my back ignoring him.

"Fine, just know that you asked for it." I close my eyes against the blinding light sleeping through pillow case above my head.

"What the duck!?!" I screeched as I sat up. I looked down and saw that my once white shirt was now the color of my skin and you could see my black bra. Ugh! I can't believe he dumped water on me, he's so gonna get it.

"I told you that if you didn't get up I would get the bucket-" He then pointed to the bucket in his hand and shrugged his shoulders. I just sat up straighter and left the room walking towards the bathroom.

I did my business and crushed my teethed and hair. "We..." gesturing towards himself, Emily, and Trevor, "are going to show you around. You know introduce you and teach you the ropes of how things go down 'round here. If you get what I'm sayin'." I nodded and walked towards the fridge. "Darling, there's no food here. We got here late last night. We haven't gotten a chance to stock the fridge yet. Also," he started easing his eyebrows, "if you don't remember last night. You wanted piz-" I cut him off by tackling him to the ground.

Trevor cleared his throat and tugged Emily to his chest. "What happened last night?" He questioned with an amused glint in his honey brown eyes.

"Do you wanna tell them or shall I?" He smirked up at me and I huffed. "We broke into the dining hall at three this morning because she wanted pizza." He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. "I recorded part of it." He said handing them the phone. I looked away and crossed my arms over my chest. I heard Emily laugh so I looked over and glared. Then when I started to sing about mushrooms Trevor let out a bark of laughter. It didn't let up until I began to cry after we dumped it in the trash can.

"Fine. Do what you want, but I want food!" I said getting up and heading to the door.

"Wait up princess." Simon called out rushing after me. I turned and saw Simon motioning the others to follow.

"Where are we going?" Emily asked, excitement ringing in her soprano voice.

I just shrugged my shoulders and kept walking. They follow hesitantly.

"Morning Evelyn!" I hear a bright and chipper voice say. I turned and saw Cassie making her way down the stairs of a building. I don't remember what everything is but I'm pretty sure that it was just a housing cabin.

"Morning. So what are we doing today, other than getting food." I said while skipping towards her. I heard Emily say something under her breath but didn't quit get it all. Looping my arm through hers I said, "We have no food in our cabin! What do you say we head to the dining hall grab a bite to eat then get on with this introduction tour thing." I suggested and she just nodded smiling.

"Now she's happy..." I heard Trevor muster under his breath. I just gave him a look and Emily laughed at his frightened state.

"Sounds good. I'm go by to introduce you to a few people today and let the others gradually introduce themselves. Today we will meet the leaders or advanced of the people here at camp. So the head warlock-" she looked behind me before saying. "You've already meet though. Trevor meet Evelyn. Evelyn meet Trevor. "

I laughed and said, "How you feelin' big T?"

"Oh I'm just dandy. And you?" He said with a goofy smile.

"Oh I'm wonderful. A bit tired and extremely hungry but I'm doing great. Thanks for asking." He started laughing and I let out a chuckle. "Who's next?" I looked to Cassie with a 'game on' face.

"Well there's the fae. Which are primarily with nature. They can heal, read emotions, and sometimes communicate with animals. There are some who can read minds but they're none of those here. The "top dog" here on campus would have to be Tyler Flynn. Alright everyone is superior in their own way, like Miranda for example. She can read emotions in people and animals. That gift is phenomenal in its own way but she hasn't quit mastered it yet. She's also his girlfriend so you'll be seeing more of her." She said with a chuckle and gave me a look.

"So glued at the hip?" I questioned and she nodded laughing.

"That doesn't even begin to describe it. They are inseparable...you'll see and understand once you watch them. You thought we were bad." She said gesturing to Trevor and herself. I laughed and nodded my head.

"Damien was fae as well." She said and all I did was nod. "Lucas Witwell is a vampire along with Helen. They are pretty relaxed people."

"Wait, Helen who?" I questioned because I vaguely remember a Helen Hathaway going to our middle school and leaving after the fifth grade. She was nice but kind of distant thought now that makes sense.

"Helen Hathaway. Why does that matter though?" Cassie said and I gave a look to Simon. He just shook his head and motioned to Cassie.

"Fine.." I grumbled under my breath. "Who else went to my school?" I asked her and she just gave me an impressed look.

"Well, we didn't send them if that's what you want to know." She said half annoyed but understanding. I nodded feeling relieved. "Your high school is the closest one to this academy. So when they went there, they must have gotten word of this academy and sent them here instead. Now I do admit to sending your protectors to well protect you but that's it." I nodded along with her words and every once in a while glancing back towards the others. "However," Cassie started and turned to Simon as if asking permission to say something.

"No!" Simon practically yelled. "I don't want her to know yet."

"I don't want to know what exactly." I turned to him and gave him a glare, my words laced with ice.

"That Al-" Simon cut her off by screaming and man did he sound like a girl!! I almost laughed but then remembered I was mad at him so I held it in.

"Dude you sounded like a girl." Trevor said while laughing into Emily's shoulder. I almost cracked a smile but as soon as I connected eyes with Simon my glare remained intact.

"Just trust me. You. Don't. Want. To. Know." He spoke with determination and deliberation. I just nodded still upset. I walked up to him and hugged him. I then looked up and into his eyes and gave him the puppy dog eyes with a pout. "You will find out eventually anyway" he sighed and looked defeated. "Why not, just remember I tried to warn you. Go ahead and tell her Cassie."

She nodded and laughed at us. "Well,"

"Hey everybody! What's up?" A very deep but soft voice said. Darn, just as I was about to find out this big "secret".

I felt Simon stiffen and when I looked into his eyes and saw, regret? As I was about to ask him what was wrong I heard that same voice say, "Hey there Simon. Trevor. Emily. And last but not least..." this mysterious voice drawled out. I turned and saw the the most annoying alien on planet earth!! Fidgety fudge nuggets, maybe I didn't want to know but now it's too late. The man standing before me was...

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