Ugh! High School

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After pulling up to my parking spot, I grabbed my phone and dialed Emily. She's one of my best friends whose dating Trevor, my other best friend. They're so cute together!! I am one of those obnoxious friends that embrace the third wheel. I love to make fun of them when they are having those "special" moments at dinner and the movies or when they are all snuggled together on my couch. Though I can thank my gay bestie, Simon because he's always there with me.

"Hey, bestie. Trevor's here and wanted me to tell you hi." I rolled my eyes at her happiness because first it's not even 9 o'clock yet and two we are at school! The one place I hate most!!

"Hey, girl. I just pulled up, where are you?"

"Umm..look out your window." As she says that I look up and see Trevor's face peeking over the window of the white pick up truck. I wave and disconnect the call. I get out and sling my bag over my shoulder. As I looked over my car towards the school an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach

"Are you okay Eve, you look a little pale?" Trevor asks while walking towards me. He places a gentle hand on my forehead. I nodded and looked back to find Emily hopping out of the truck. I laughed at the height difference between the driver and the car.

We locked hands and slipped towards the doors. As we got to English I decided to text my mom- I arrived at school and am safe. Love you. See you both after school.

She typed back within seconds. Okay Hunny, but don't be late for dinner. Love you too. Dad's making pasta for dinner. How on earth can she type that fast? I thought your joints got stiffer the older you got. I can't even type that fast. I heard the bell ring for class so I got my books out and began counting down the seconds until lunch!

"Eeee!" I heard Simon call out. It's lunch and I was getting ready to dump my English book in my locker, but when he yelled I jumped causing my book to fall out of my hands and smack dab on my toe.

"Ow!" I scowled him but Simon only gives me a crooked grin. I grab my book and shove it on top of the mound of useless homework assignments and half-written papers. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and we head to the lunchroom.

"What's shakin' bacon?"  He gazes down at me while we walk because he's like 10 feet tall! Not really although he's not your average champ, he's like 6'5ish.

"Oh, the usual...just failed a test. I haven't started on my midterm paper yet and that's due in three days. There's a pit in my stomach and my toe is throbbing. Alec is being a donkey's rear end, and I, of course, bing my magical self, choked on an apple this morning and almost hit a cat. You know the usual." I pouted. He smiled sadly and then dragged me towards food.

"Oio!" Carter, Simon's boyfriend, yelled chasing him down the hall. "How are my favorite people."

"Hey, Carter!" I yelled just as enthusiastically.

"Hey, boo..." Simon winked and wrapped his arms around Carter's waist. Then came over to me and gave me a side hug but was interrupted when the speakers vibrate through the swarming lunch room. "Would Evelyn please make her way to the office please." I heard my name and started to panic, my brain went into overdrive. I guess Simon noticed because he took my hand guiding me towards the office. Carter gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before leaving towards English.

"Evelyn," Rose, the desk lady said. "Your parents are on the phone. You can go to the conference room if you would like."  I nodded and grasped onto Simon's hand.

"I'm going to put it on speaker," I said to Simon. He gave me a comforting smile in return. "Mom?" I asked hesitantly into the phone.

"Sweetie," her voice sounded hoarse almost like she's been crying. "Sweetie, there is so much we've kept from you but now is not the time to tell you. There's so much you don't know and so much that is going to be thrown at you. I just want you to know that I love you."

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