Cassie Evans

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The door creaked as I pushed it open. I waited and knocked on the frame. "Come in." I heard a gentle voice call out. The floor boards squared as we all went trampling in. I saw that the front room was small but neat. There was
A couch/love seat in the corner. A glass coffee table with a few magazines on them. Near the window was a vase with some type of flower.

I continued walking into the back room where I presume her office is. The door was already open so all we had to do was walk in. "One second-" she said and I noticed that there was a stack of papers lying on her desk. "How may I help yo- oh Simon. What's going on?" She suddenly asked with concern.

"It's happening." Simon said two words and from the look on Cassie's face those two words held a lot of meaning. Her face fell, almost like someone had died.

She nodded looking grim. "So, this must be Evelyn." She addressed my presence and smiled in my direction. I nodded mutely. "My dear, you have lots to learn and not much time I'm afraid."

People keep telling me that but I have no clue what they're talking about! I guess she could tell I was getting frustrated because she came around the desk and wrapped me in a hug. Her touch sending some unknown feeling, I could feel my frustration escaping. Did she do that? How can someone mess with my emotions, although I did just find out my best friend since forever was a werewolf so I can't really throw it out the window, right?

Cassie guided me towards the couch on the far wall and gestures for the other to have a seat as well. "It's good to see you all. Emily," she nodded her direction and did the same with Trevor. "How's everything going for the two of you?" Of course now that Cassie's got Emily started, she won't ever shut up but I'm grateful because it eased some of the tension. Cassie just nodded with a look of understanding on her face and laughed during some of the highlights of Em's story. "Simon, how's everything been for you?"

Simon looked at me and grinned sheepishly, "Well, Ms. Evans, this has been the most hectic week of my life." He said with a joking manner. Then started talking about school but I stopped listening.

"You called me earlier this morning saying you would drop by for a few. Have you told her anything?" I let out a loud minion laugh. Grinning over at Simon, I raised my eyebrow and gave him a look that said you-wanna-tell-them-or-do-I-have-to. It was then that Simon got pale and glared at me.

"Well, I told her what I was. And that we would explain more in detail later." Cassie nodded and looked over at the desk.

"And why is it that your just getting here now?" I laughed again and thought back on it.


"Simon, do you really have to drive like this? Woah...jeez, can you at least stay on the road? Please?!" I asked him in desperation because I really didn't feel like dying.

"We aren't going to die. Stop being so dramatic and live a little champ!" He said and promptly turned up the radio. I tried closing my eyes to drown out the outside world but he kept jerking the car with the music.

I reached over and turned down the radio. "Simon would you please drive in your lane? There's a bunch of stuff over here and I don't want to run over any of it. Please." I told him again and he still didn't listen instead gave me a look.

He took the wheel and made it so we were as far to the edge as we could get. Then he promptly stared at me as our car trudged along the dangerous pavement. I just bit my lip to keep from saying anything else. He was satisfied and went I bring the car back into the road when we heard the noise.

I gave him a look and just nodded my head. "Don't say it!" Simon growled.

"Fine, fine be like that. Just know that..." I paused and gave him a look. "I told y-" he attacked me. He covered my mouth and began to tickle me. I couldn't breathe!

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