We were standing in his office. I stood by the door while (y/n) was before Keniaru's desk. After thoroughly scolding her for her actions from the past two days he walked up to her. We all knew what was going to happen next. His hand sliced across her face one way and the other came the next way. His nail summoned a small scratch on her red cheek. Compared to other times, this was nothing.

She admitted to me long before that the action didn't inflict any pain. She was used to it. Training and competing had made her tougher. She said that the only thing that stung was the fact that he wasn't an opponent, rather her father.

It broke my heart to see how upset she would get from disappointing him. Everything she did was to prove herself to him and he would never have it. She never let a tear shed after being punished like she was, she would go to her room and lock everyone out. If she ever tried to defend herself it would be worse, so she never did.


(Your POV)

I walked into school the next day with a lightly bruised cheek. When people asked what happened I just brushed it off as a normality of training. There was one person who had doubted me though. Even though he said nothing I knew that Takashi could tell I was lying.

Weeks had passed since that night. So many things had happened. Haruhi accidentally kissed a girl at the party the following week. We had our physical exams which was a load of fussing over myself and Haruhi.

Some scary girl attacked the host club claiming Kyoya was her fiance. She made a movie of us, at one stage I wrongly ended up threatening two guys with Tamaki after we found Haruhi crying, even though it was just her contact that fell out.

The twins got into a massive fight causing a lot of damage in the process. They were throwing all sorts of items around the place, even Honey. Eventually enough was enough. I slapped them up the back of the heads and Haruhi gave them a big lecture about the damage they had caused and the involvement of the student body in this dispute. Then we found out it was all fake just so they could see Haruhi's house.

Then there was some kid who wanted to be Tamaki's apprentice but quit after a short time like the spoilt brat he was. Really he just wanted to stop his little girlfriend from moving to Germany. Kids.

With all that over you'd think today would be a normal day and everything would return to normal, but no. I was walking out of the school with Haruhi when two hands grabbed both of us. I looked to see Hikaru and Kaoru clutching to Haruhi and I was picked up by Takashi, then thrown over his shoulder.

We got thrown into a limo and taken to some tropical resort thing. Honestly I had had enough of tropical themed things after everything that happened that day at the host club. Hikaru and Kaoru dragged Haruhi to the changing room while I squirmed to free myself from Takashi.

"I can walk you know. I'd willingly walk too." I pouted after giving up.

"Yeah but it's more fun this way." The twins grinned their evil smiles looking up at me on Takashi's shoulder.

"Yeah." Takashi agreed.

We were finally let go when we came face to face with two maids.

"Uh..." Both Haruhi and I looked at each other.

"Here, do what you've got to do." The twins shoved us forward to the maids.

"Okay we'll do what we can." One said smiling.

"Miss (l/n), Miss Fujioka, just follow me." The other creepy lady spoke.

They pulled us inside and made us change into swimsuits. I put up more of a fight than Haruhi so I had come out after Tamaki gave her clothes to cover up with. After giving up I pointed randomly to a swimsuit not caring what it was, nothing too trashy though. I pulled on a black and white striped bikini that covered the front well with lime green shorts and walked out.

 I pulled on a black and white striped bikini that covered the front well with lime green shorts and walked out

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I walked over to where everyone else was. Well, guess this was the ending to my long-lasting prank on Tamaki. Walking up I saw Haruhi in a yellow cover up and green shorts. She looked so dorky. What was wrong with Tamaki? She had a one piece that covered her up well, unlike me. Idiot.

The first to see me was Honey and Takashi. I swear I saw Takashi blush, but it could have just been my imagination.

"(y/n)-chan!" Honey yelled out my name and came running up to me. "You look so cute in that swimsuit!"

Everyone's eyes were on me now. Tamaki went crazy. 'Why am I even here. I am so dead when I get home.'

"(b/n)... WHAAAAT???!!!"

"Once again Tamaki, your insolence is anything but beyond average. The whole time I was deceiving you and you had no clue. The entire host club was in on it too. I wondered how long it would take you to figure it out but now that I've been kidnapped and forcefully thrown into wearing this, I guess the gig is up." I sighed sadly. "I wonder how much longer it would have lasted."

"It looks good on you (y/n)." The twins smiled deviously as they said my name in a sing-song way, clear enough for Tamaki to listen to.

Tamaki was freaking out practically pulling his hair out. "Did you just say (y/n)?! But I've been saying (b/n) this whole time! Wait you shady twins, don't go perving on my little girls like that!"

'I'm not getting home any time soon no matter how much I plead them, stubborn twats. May as well have some fun while I'm here.' I thought quietly to myself before running towards the water. "Last one in is stinky Sushi!" I yell before diving into the water.

I hear a few joyous exclaims and laughs before I see them coming toward the water at full speed. They all jumped in at the same time creating a big title wave that splashes me. We laughed and began to splash each other.


I got out to get a drink after a while, followed by the twins.

"I didn't know you were so masculine (y/n)" Kaoru said.

"Especially for a lady." Followed by Hikaru.

They were both looking at my stomach, small abs evident. "Well I'm a champion, what would you expect. Besides I've been acting like a guy the whole time so surely you didn't expect for me to be a stick under all those clothes did you?"

"Well yeah..."


"We figured you'd be about the same as Haruhi." They said in unison.

"Right. Anyway, I'm getting back in the water."

"You don't seem so scared about your curfew today (y/n)." They both said. I could feel them smirking and raising their eyebrows behind me.

My eye twitched, my back to them. "Well I figure there's no point in even attempting to ask or demand to be returned home because nobody will listen to me. Besides, I don't care anymore." My face was impassive as I spoke.

They shrugged and walked off. I was with Honey while Takashi went to get himself a drink. The swimming against the current was good for my muscles. I hadn't been doing much training now with all of my school work and the host club so why not take advantage of it.

The next thing I knew, I heard Honey yelling. I grabbed his hand in a panic seeing the giant wall of water coming for us and tried taking us to shore, failing. We were swept away under the water all the way down the tide pool. I held on to Honey for dear life in Takashi's place.


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