“Yeah, what is it?” I ask confused, what kind of question would he want to ask.

            “I was just curious if you would like to go out with me.” He says and I look at him, not all the angry, but not happy either.

            “Out on a date?” I say shocked about his question.

            “Yes on a date.” He says and I just to laugh to myself. “What’s so funny, you don’t want to go?”

            “I do, don’t get me wrong, I know you want this to be more than a friendship, trust me, I want the same thing I just need time before jumping into another relationship.” I say and he walks away into the hallway. “Please Luke, I really don’t want this to turn into a fight, you’re the only one I could trust.” I say.

            He turns to look at me but doesn’t smile. He walks up to me and takes my hand. “If you like me the way I like you, why do you want to take it slowly? Why do you not want to go out with me? I can’t sit around and wait for you.”

            “You made your move at the wrong timing. It’s not that you’re waiting it’s the timing. I have an annoying ex boyfriend who won’t leave me alone. He’s telling people we’re still going out. If this get’s out, the media will say I cheated on him. It’s not that simple for me.

            “We’ll take things day by day, just tell me right now, am I going to waste my time or is it going to work out?”

            “It’s going to work out I promise, just not today, or this week. Just until my life calms down a little and the media forgets about me.”

            “Okay, so later this week we’ll go out with my friends and we’ll do that for a few weeks until you’re ready to step out as my girlfriend.”

            “I like that.” I say and he kisses me on the lips, hard. When he lets go he takes my hand and walks back into the cafeteria. Chloe looks at us confused.

            Crystal walks up to the table and sits down. Luke looks at her and back at me to see if I would say anything to her. I don’t, “What are you doing on our table?” Luke says and everyone starts to laugh. “When you learn how to treat a human being you could be our friend.” He says and she storms out grabbing Chloe’s arm on her way out.

            Chloe doesn’t come back to the cafeteria all period so I’m guessing this is serious. Luke walks me to class, I sit down in my seat and for once, there is nobody looking at me. Jen texts me asking why Brian can’t call me and I tell her I blocked his number.

            The day went by so slow, maybe because I tried to keep my distance from Luke. Every time Luke saw me, I would walk the other way hoping he doesn’t see me. I just don’t want him to keep telling me how he really feels about me because right now I need a break from that. Luke barely knows me. He doesn’t know what I’m capable of doing.

            The end of the school day finally comes and instead of going home I just drive around town to find myself a new hideout where nobody could find me, not even Luke.

            After a few miles with the music blasting, I realize that just driving around makes me feel a lot better than just being at home. No, wonder why my mother was never home. My phone rings and I look at the caller I.D the only person I am willing to talk to right now is Luke. Even though I am avoiding everybody I feel like Luke is the only one, I can actually talk to who knows how to make me feel better.

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