Chapter One

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A/N- Picture to the side, is of Brittany. Played by Cher Lloyd.

I’m in my room getting ready for my first day of school. My father knocks on my door asking if I’m ready to leave. I decide to wear something fancy enough to give a first impression, but casual enough to not make it as if I’m trying too hard. I decided to wear my tie-dyed colored mini shorts that studs under the pocket with a white chiffon button down shirt tucked into it. The tank top is see-through so I decide to add a pink tank top to wear under it. I put on pink converse sneakers to finish off the outfit. “Yeah lemme just grab my bad and I’ll be out.” I say going into my walk in closet to grab my PINK sequins back-back that my dad got me before he left for L.A.

            Once I walk into the school the hallways are already empty and I look around the school wondering how the hell I’m going to find any of my classes. It’s huge. I spin in a circle trying finding the main office and coming up short. I see a girl walking towards me and stop her. “Um, I’m new here and I was wondering where the main office is.” I say and she at me rolls her eyes and points to the stairs. Wow, is everyone in this school so rude? I wonder to myself. I walk up the stairs trying to find the main office and still come up short.

            “You seem lost, are you new here?” A new voice says. I turn around to look at him and blush. Man is he cute.

            “Uh, yeah, it’s my first day here.” I say biting my lip nervously.

            “I could see that.” He says with a smile. “I’m Luke, and you are?”

            “Brittany.” I say looking away from his face.

            “Well Brittany, what are you looking for?” He asks.

            “Main office.” I say simply and he shakes his head and nods at wall behind me. I turn to see what he’s looking at and I shake my head. There’s a huge window with the words written ‘MAIN OFFICE’ how in the world did I miss that. “Wow, I’m stupid.” I mutter to myself and he laughs.

            “You’re not stupid, but you look kind of nervous.”

            “Is it that obvious?” I say and he nods his head.

            “Well hopefully I’ll see you around. I better get back to class. It was nice meeting you.” He says and I smile and walk away, going into the main office.

            The secretary looks at me and smiles. “Hello dear, you must be Brittany. Mr. Henderson would like to see you now.” She says pointing the door behind her and walking me in. “Brittany’s here Henderson.” She tells him and she walks out.

            “You may take a seat Ms. Calasto.” He says and I sit down.

            “I’m just going to give you your textbooks, your class schedule and a map of the school for now, seeing how you’re already for school, but once school is finished I’d like for you to come see me so we could discuss a few things. Sound fair?”

            “Yes sir.” I say keeping my hands in my lap to keep them from fidgeting. He hands me a few papers along with a handful of textbooks.

            “Here you go.” He says handing me a small slip. “It’s a pass to class.” He says.

            “Um, where’s my first class?” I ask and he calls in his secretary.

            “Joan, would you mind showing this young lady to her English class?” He says.

            “No sir.” She says ushering me into the hall. “I’m sure your teacher won’t mind you’re so late to her class seeing how you’re the new girl. And she’s a sweetheart so you’ll have no trouble with her at all.” We walk down the hallway and stop at the last door.

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