Chapter Seven

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The new guys arrive the day Derek and I have been to town. Town? No not even. It has a gas station, a general store -that is also a post office- and a shady looking diner. We arrive home at about four pm, Derek leaves me to put the groceries away. I'm nearly finished, when I hear the front screen door open and voices travel to where I am. Voices I don't recognise, which means it has to be the new guys.

I close the refrigerator and leave the kitchen to introduce myself. I stop short when their identical faces come into view. They're both very attractive. Well of course they are, they're twins. They have short cropped hair, close set eyes and are built like semi trailers. For some reason, my brain decides it's a good idea to compare the two to Stiles. Pfft! There's absolutely no competition, Stiles wins hands down. I pick my jaw up from the floor and go to introduce myself.

"G'day. I'm Lydia." I offer them my hand to shake and my new found Aussie greeting.

They both take a turn in shaking it and when they speak, my ears pick up their southern accents. I couldn't tell you what part of the south they're from, but it is nice having someone here from home.

"We were told to meet Sybill here." Aiden, I think, says.

"I think she's out back with the horses." I answer.

I show them the way and enjoy the view as they head to the shed. Yeah okay, they both have fine asses. Later that night we all sit around the dining table getting to know the twins. They're from a small town near Dallas, nineteen years old, travelling the world. Australia is their third stop, after being in New Zealand for three months and Canada for two months before that. They're literally working their way around the globe.

There's an electric vibe around the room with the new guys here. Most everyone has welcomed them like long lost friends, most everyone of course except Stiles. I've noticed he has been eyeing off the two new recruits, with a total look of contempt. Why? Who knows, but I'm beginning to think it might have something to do with the way Aiden seems to direct all his attention towards me. I'm still clueless as to why that would bother him so much.

After we've finished with dinner, us young ones head outside as usual, to introduce our new friends to the game of footy. It's not long before they're all shirtless and Ally and I beg to be included. We're so sick of sitting on the sidelines. I don't do very well, completely distracted by all the shirtless men around me. Of course there's only one shirtless boy I'm interested in, and I have to constantly remind myself that he isn't available.

Once the sky is too dark, we all head our seperate ways. All the guys to their rooms and Ally and me to the house. I take the first shower and let the water wash over me as my head leans against the the cool tiles. Once I'm dried and changed, I grab a book and sit on my window seat. I'm a few pages in, when I feel like I'm being watched. I fold the corner of the page down and pull my curtains back just enough to see Stiles looking up at my window.

I quickly close the curtains and fall back against the cushions behind me. I can feel a blush covering my face. I bring my hands to my cheeks and sure enough they're scorching. Why is he watching me? He's been quite clear about the fact that we're just friends. Although between his phone call last weekend and the stink eye he was giving the twins, I could quite believe that maybe he is jealous.

He has a girlfriend, he shouldn't be acting the way he is. I take another quick look out my window, but it seems he's gone inside his small house. I let my mind wander to a place it probably shouldn't, seeings though he's taken and all. I run my fingers over my lips, imagining how his would feel pressed against mine, or how soft his touch would be against my skin. I can just picture how strong and solid his arms would be, if he held me in them.

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