Chapter Four

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I'm squashed up against the back passenger door of Derek's twin cab truck. Ally and Scott sit beside me and seem to be unable to keep their hands off each other. Derek and Isaac fight over the radio in the front. I feel like a fifth wheel and with my face pushed against glass, I can't help but think about my two best friends back home. Aunt Sybil has been gracious enough to let me use the computer to email them, but God how in this moment would I love to have them here.

Kira and Danny have been my best friends since middle school. We were nicknamed the three musketeers, because we literally did everything together. Kira is a petite Asian girl with a bucketload of sass and Danny is the protective gay best friend. I haven't missed them as much as I do right now, sitting in the back of the truck, feeling as alone as someone who might've be on a deserted island, trying not to think about the couple that left half an hour before us.

I'm so lost in my head, that I don't realise we've reached our destination. It's the sudden stop of the car that has me straightening up to take in my surroundings. The area is quite stunning. So much green everywhere. It's like an oasis in the middle of the dessert. I climb out of the truck and move to the back with everyone else to grab our stuff out of the bed. The three boys carry the heavy stuff, while Ally and I are relegated to the picnic blankets and towels.

When we step through a copse of trees, I let out a gasp at the sight before me. Water for miles. Slyvester Lake, Isaac tells me as I walk wide eyed behind them. There's more people here than I've seen in three weeks. Some of them already look to be pretty drunk. There's music blaring from somewhere to the left of me. We weave through a large group of loud people, everyone but me saying g'day.

When we reach our destination, I see the two people I want to see less in this world. However I put on my best smile, straighten up my spine and go about saying hello to everyone I'm being introduced to. Stiles doesn't give me a second glance, too wrapped up in his girlfriend, that is of course, until I slip off my shorts and tank to reveal my aqua blue bikini. I'm not sure how I know he's watching me, because I have my back to everyone, but I do.

I don't get long to ponder, before Isaac has thrown me over his shoulder and makes a dash for the water. I squeal the whole way, only stopping once I'm in the water. The cool water is relief from the stifling heat. It's a ridiculous fourty five degrees Celsius today. It's doesn't take long for Derek, Ally and Scott to join us. And I can't help the disappointment that settles in my stomach, as I covertly watch Stiles and Malia head to a more private side of the lake.

Again I don't get to think about it too much as the others distract me. We mess around in the water for a while before we head back to the shore. Derek gets to setting up a small gas Barbeque, Scott and Ally share a towel as they both sip on a beer, and Isaac has disappeared. So I decide to help Derek with the grill. We chat while we cook up a small storm. Somewhere in the middle of it all Stiles and Malia return. I try not to notice the duo.

But it's a bit hard when Stiles comes over to help. We haven't spoken a word to each other since the whole debacle a couple of days ago, so I'm a bit surprised when he directs his first words to me.

"Enjoying yourself Lydia?"

I'm so shocked that all I can do is nod. I can sense Derek watching us, probably wondering whether or not this is going to get nasty. I'm not clueless, I know everyone has notice how icy we've been towards each other the last couple of days, but I won't give him the satisfaction of thinking he's gotten under my skin. Even though he has, so deep under it, sometimes it feels like something is crawling under there.

"That's good."

I know she's approaching by the complete shift in the air. It's stifling. Even though I'm a few feet away from Derek, I feel him go stiff, and it makes absolutely no sense that I get the same vibe from Stiles.

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