Chapter Eleven

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I'm slowly on my way to being tipsy. Kira keeps handing me over some sort of purple drink, and it's making my head cloudy and my eyes blurry. I've been drunk before, I just don't do it very well. My normally articulate mouth has a mind of its own, and my tiny frame of one hundred and ten pounds, becomes jello-like. Deciding I've had enough to drink, I stand from the table I'm sat at, and go in search of water. The last thing I want tonight is to ruin my own party.

As I make my way over to where the drinks are, I fondly think of how truly wonderful this night has been. I've spent most of the night with my old and new friends. Dancing, laughing, talking and of course drinking. I almost have a skip in my step, as the large ice bins come into view. I pull out a bottle and then turn and take in the sight before me. I notice a few of my friends are beyond drunk, and the adults seem to have taken up post at a large table close to the house.

I'm lost in thought when a large hand gently touches my shoulder. I have to stop myself from stumbling, as I turn to see who the perpetrator is. Golden eyes smile down at me, and I mentally fight the heat that suddenly tears through me. He truly is gorgeous in his black jeans, plaid shirt and white tee. I'm not sure if it's the alcohol or not, but he suddenly seems taller and if at all possible more beautiful.

"I was hoping to get a dance with the birthday girl." He says still smiling at me.

I look over my shoulder towards the makeshift dance floor, and other than Ally and Scott, who have barely let go of each other all night, there's nobody else dancing. Just one dance between friends, what's the harm right? I turn back to face him and nod shyly at his proposition. He takes my hand and I follow him like a puppy. Ironically enough, the song changes from upbeat to something slower, just as we step onto the wooden floorboards.

He keeps holding my hand and turns so we're facing each other, and we're both a little unsure of where to put our hands at first. I'm the one to boldly place mine on his shoulders, he nervously puts his on my hips. We start to sway, a little clumsy at first, as we try to find a rhythm, neither of us able to look at the other. I keep my eyes on a spot over his shoulder, and try to ignore the smile Ally is sending from the otherside of the dance floor.

I also try to ignore the rapid beating of my heart, from how close we are. And the electricity that runs through me, from his hands on my hips. Then when his hands move to sit just above my ass, I have to clench my thighs together and suddenly this dance feels more intimate. He's taken, he's taken, I repeat over and over in my head. When both of us finally find the courage to look at each other, I can't fight the goosebumps that form on my skin.

"You're shivering. Are you cold?" He asks, his eyes full of concern.

I smile at him and shake my head no. I can't very well tell him that it's his hands that are making me tremble. The song ends way to quickly for my liking, but I hide my disappointment by thanking him for the dance.

"Anytime." He answers, as he follows me back to where our friends are sitting.

An hour later and with another purple drink in my hand, my Aunt has somehow acquired a microphone, and is calling everyone to attention. She gestures for me to join her near where the cake is now sitting. I stand and flatten out my dress and make my way towards her. She opens her arms for me to walk into and I do it without question. She holds me tight for a while, before holding me at arms length, and then turning me so she has her arm over my shoulder.

"Firstly I want to thank you all for coming and helping Lydia celebrate her birthday."

There's a round of applause from the small crowd.

"When I found out she was coming to live with me, I was cautious at first. How was I going to be a surrogate mother at my age? How would she react to having to be with me here in the outback? What sort of person would she be? All these things crossed my mind, before I scolded myself for being so judgemental."

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