XXI. The Coopers

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Extending Our Hearts


I DESCEND down the stairs with a box of books in my arms.

I've started to take out most of my stuff to move into my apartment. Another gift from my grandfather before his death.

Let's just say, he wasn't a big fan of my mother and knew we wouldn't get along either. 

I never understood their rivalry until recently, I finally listened to what Nonna was always arguing with her about.

I can't help but agree with my grandparents.

My mother isn't my mom, she treats us like she treats her workers. 

I'm not sure if it's always been like this but now that I've grown up I've noticed how distant she is compared to dad.

Dad's always been, well, a dad. He goes to work and comes home to spend time with his family instead of scolding them for not sorting out the papers in his office for him.

"Theo!" I hear my mother call out.

Speak of the devil and he, in this case a she, will appear.

I put the box beside the door and walk in her office, taking a seat in front of her while she organizes the files on her desk.

"The Coopers are coming over on Saturday," she states. "You and your sister have to be on your best behaviour."

I hear Talia enter the room and plop down on the seat beside me.

"They have kids right?"

Mom nods, "Two daughters I believe."

Talia gives a thumbs up, "I have someone to talk to then."

I sigh, "Why are they coming over again?"

Talia rolls her eyes and hits kicks my knee.

"The company," mom says firmly. "If you want a good future then behave."

Talia nods in response while my mother's eyes stay concentrated on mine.

"Behave Theodore."

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