Momo gave me a small look when I sat next to her but didn't question where I had been, though I'm sure she could figure it out. "Ivy do you want to go around" Jihyo said turning around as she passed the finish line.

"I don't think so I think i'll keep my pride" I said as she had beat everybody who had tried to play her lost by a long shot.

Jihyo gave a smile and a shrug before turning back towards the screen to start another race. It was relaxing to sit here and just be with my members none of us being overly loud or crazy.

Momo gave me a small look figuring there was something up but she could tell I didn't want to talk about it and kept quite. The two of us had grown close over the last couple of months and could read each other now to know what to say and when to say it. It was nice to know that I would always have a friend in the group no matter what, and I would always have someone to talk to.

"When is Mark leaving" Momo asked me leaning over to look at my phone thinking I was talking to Mark. "Oh never mind" she said after seeing the name on my phone did not read Mark but instead Jungkook.

"Mark is packing he leaves tomorrow morning" I told her watching her nod from the corner of my eye.

"Jungkook and you have been talking quite a bit, what do you guys spend so much time talking about anyways" she asked watching me type on my phone. Almost constantly now I was texting the boy on my phone ever since he helped comfort me when I received the news of my father.

I laughed knowing Momo wasn't going to understand me when I told her "he is introducing me to all of the kpop groups I should know" I said as another picture of a group came through my phone. "He tells me what groups I need to get into as an idol in Korea and I tell him what he should look into for American music" I told her. She shook her head knowing that I we were just innocent kids.

"Well at least Mark doesn't have to worry" Momo commented confusing me at the random statement.

Turning away from my phone I tilted my head to the side "What do you mean of course Mark doesn't have to be worried" I said.

Momo laughed with only confused me further "All guys have to be concerned when their girlfriends are talking with other guys" she said. "It doesn't matter for what reason a girl and a guy can never just be friends, though I think your going to prove me wrong" she said looking at my phone again.

Jungkook and I were still going back and forth about different music both of us responding within seconds. "What do you mean i'm friends with lots of guys" I said thinking back to Jason from back home.

"I mean they can be friends but eventually someone catches feelings" Momo told me with a simple shrug.

I brushed Momo's comment off not wanting to think about my feelings wavering from Mark. "Whatever believe what you want" I said with a shrug turning my attention back to my phone.

"Alright I got school tomorrow so i'm going to sleep" I said standing up ready to head to my room. Tomorrow I had a full day of work as I had school and then I have practice after school for a couple of hours.

A couple of the girls gave me a quick goodnight before I disappeared into my room, falling right to sleep.

Walking into school the next day I was happy to see Jungkook already in his seat looking down at his phone. "Hey how has school been" I asked as I had not gone in about a week or so, as he didn't see me walk up he jumped when I spoke.

"Hi, glad your back, school was quite boring" he said which didn't surprise me all that much as it was school after all.

Giving him a smile I took my seat pulling out my materials from my bag. As this was the first time we were together since he comfortable around me it was slightly awkward. "You went back home right, how was America" he asked me moving away from the silence that threatened to take over.

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