Chapter 56

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Two days later, it was the Friday before the final competition. After a group vote it was decided to have their post comp celebratory slumber party beforehand so everyone would still be happy if they end up not winning. They even decided to invite Ace, Tim and Jack too.

Deciding to hold it at the Andersons house since it had more space, they just finished setting up the sleeping bags when the doorbell rang.

Going off to answer it Cece comes back with the guys, already clad in sweatpants for the night.

Once everyone has had some food over idle chit chat Jack decides to ask. "So what do you guys usually do at this sort of thing? We haven't done this since middle school."

Shrugging his shoulder, Donny gives a brief run through of what usually happens. "Nothing out of the ordinary. Eat some junk food, watch movies, sing some songs."

"But not Luke though right?" States Ace. When everybody silently looks at him he gives back a look like 'what did I say?'

Facing Donny, Luke asks "Genre?" while placing his plate down to accept the acoustic guitar handed to him.

"Let's go with rock."

Nodding back, Luke tests the cords. Since the first group sleepover, Luke has been learning guitar. Now somewhat fluent in the art, he thinks of a song he could play. Once one comes to him he starts to strum.

Looking back up at his childhood friends, Luke tries to suppress a grin at their slack jawed faces. Grabbing Arias hand, he heads into the kitchen. "Anybody need a refill?"

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