Chapter Twenty

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Picture of Kit and Sky on the side!


Scott and Evie fight over who I should ride with back to mine, but Scott wins because I haven’t seen him all day, so Evie drives in her car alone. We get there pretty soon, anyway.

I let them into my house and Scott slumps down on the sofa, turning the television on while Evie walks straight into the kitchen, opening the fridge. I stand in the hallway, flabbergasted at how accustomed these people are making themselves feel in my home. Evie starts humming a Guns N’ Roses song and I hear some bottle lids pop. She gracefully walks out, acknowledging me in the slightest, navigating her way through into the sitting room before sitting besides Scott. She hands him a cold beer and has one for herself and then looks to me, holding another one up.

“Beer?” She asks genuinely, smiling.

I shrug and walk over, grabbing it. “Make yourselves at home, why don’t you?” I tease and they both laugh.

I sit in between them. “I’ve seen this one already!” Evie whines, Scott has put on a rerun of last Sunday’s True Blood.

“Well I haven’t, so shh.” He smirks, sipping his beer. Evie folds her arms and I shake my head at the vividness of everything. I don’t know, it’s funny. They entered my home and treated it as if it was their own and started arguing about True Blood. Like, seriously?

Because everything is too vivid and all, I stand up out of my seat to start getting out snacks and whatever, Kit will be here anytime soon. I find a large bottle of Diet Coke in the refrigerator and Evie complains “because it’s diet” and I also get out some iced tea for Scott, which he gets happy about. I also find two large packets of Cheetos and a Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bar which I generously give to Eves for her to have for herself. I sit back on the sofa next to Scott and Evie sits on the floor besides our legs. We all watch the old episode of True Blood in silence, drinking our beers and Scott has his arm around me and Evie’s head is resting against my knee. It’s blissful. I perk up when the doorbell sounds, right in the middle of the ad-break. I smile—Kit’s here.

My grin is pretty evident as I jump off out of the sofa to answer the door. Evie looks up at me nervously and I try to reassure her. “Don’t worry,” I tell her. “This will be fun. Just be your usual self.” Evie ceases to look even slightly convinced but she nods and I proceed to answering the door.

“Kit!” I beam, wrapping my arms around his neck. He looks…good. Like, substantially different to when we first met him, the night of Hannah’s party. He’s wearing a navy button down with an open collar and dark jeans, his hair styled a little upwards into a quiff for once, and he smells pretty good. In his hand is a bottle of whiskey.

He laughs bashfully, same as ever, tightening his right arm around me. “I, uh, brought some stuff.”

“I see that,” I say, pulling away. “Thank you.” I take the bottle from him and lead him into my house and into the living room. Scott and Evie perk up. They’re obviously happy for his presence.

“Chris, my man,” he jokes, walking over to us.

Kit laughs. “You know, it wouldn’t kill you to call me Kit.”

“I know.” Scott teases and Evie butts in.

“Stop flirting, guys.” She says all brassy and coy, trying to fit into her usual demeanour. She walks over towards Kit wearing a small smirk on her face before standing on the edge of her toes to wrap her arms around his neck. And then they linger there for a while. Scott and I exchange a few glances and I decide that all the chemistry and sexual tension is too much. I speak.

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